I am so sick of all the drama going on with this crap. Number one, I think we all need to step back and leave just a little foot room to finally GET OVER OURSELVES. You’re not God. I don’t care if you’re the biggest star in the entire universe. Memento Mori to that, bitch. Leaving your little self-absorbed Tweets all over the net isn’t doing you any good.

God dammit. I remember going through something similar a couple years back. You all get back from the recording studio thinking your hot shit, when in reality who got you there in the first place? You think you’d step on a single stage if it weren’t for your fans busting their ass to get you there? Think again.

I’m done. This is my two cents and then I’m backing into the shadows and you can all wage war over whatever you want. Being a fan, I get their mentality and see more from their perspective. So, please, if you’d like a chance to redeem yourself, go right ahead. I can most certainly tell you that posting these snooty messages isn’t getting you anywhere.

I’m also done with all this other drama with a few select other people in the business, ie. the people who feel the need to completely trash another band over the internet, telling them to man-up when in fact they’re the one’s hiding behind a computer screen. That’s fucking weak and there was never a need for it. You have a problem, you tell them face-to-face. All of this trying to get fans “on your side” is complete bullshit. Yeah, the tour didn’t work out, oh well. Grow a pair and shut the fuck up. No one cares about what you have to say. Consider all of my respect for you gone.

The end. Now continue with your fighting for all I care.

And the whole “Memento Mori” thing is just me making my point, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with Flyleaf, whom I still and will always have the up-most respect for.

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