All These Things I Hate Revolve Around Me

So obviously I’ve been gone for…what? Like a week? Yeah, well, get over it. I didn’t feel like writing, and then when I did, the internet went out. Why you ask? Because Verizon sucks ass. We got a new computer desk and of course as soon as we unplugged the damn modem, POOF! No more internet. We called, but of course their goddamn weekends are just sooo important that they couldn’t “help us” at the moment. Yeah, okay, Verizon. Don’t break a nail or anything. >:|

Right, so what was I on about? Oh, yes: THINGS I HATE!

First of all, if it wasn’t apparent enough in the first paragraph, I’ll say it again. I hate Verizon. They’re lazy and their service sucks. They charge an outrageous amount of money for the simplest of things, and anytime you need the least amount of effort put into their shitty product, too bad for you because their “customer service representatives” are busy. What the hell are they always so damn busy with? It must be just oh-so-hard to blow off customers all day. >.>

Second, I hate children and their poor-ass artwork. And more than that, I hate that stupid pre-school teachers send the brats home with it. “Okay, class, today we’re going to be making more shitty artwork for your family to hold on to forever and ruin their lives with!”

What the hell is that? ^ It’s a damn rock glued to a fucking paper plate! What the hell am I supposed to do with that? Oh, I know! I can bash my head in with it every time I realize that I have to keep it for the rest of my natural born life because it’s “sentimental”. You know what’s sentimental? NOTHING. You’re a douche bag and you hold onto trash because your life is pitiful and worthless.

I hate people. That’s a given. You’re an asshole for even making me write that.

I also hate commercials. Does anyone even buy something because of a commercial anymore? No. You know why? Because no one gives a shit. I especially hate when some douche announcer has to ask some retarded questions too. “Are you suffering from [insert some disease]?” NO! GUESS I DON’T HAVE TO WATCH THE REST OF THE COMMERCIAL! People are such morons. If you’re “suffering” from some crippling disease, you should go to a damn doctor, not some shady TV ad. And maybe if you didn’t sit on your damn couch all day and eat Twinkies and Gatorade, you wouldn’t be sick in the first place. Tip of advice:Get off your lard ass and exercise.

And what’s up with those stupid commercials that have some bags of douche talking about how “great” and “fantastic” their dipshitty product is, but then at the bottom it says that they’re paid actors?! Kind of defeats the damn purpose if we know that they’re lying out their ass for $7 an hour.

The one ad I can’t stand is for KIA. Every time I see it, I have to buy a new TV because by the time the commercial’s over, it’s on fire for some reason. It has some stupid little hoodlum mice that are all gangbanging cars and shit. Like that’s appropriate! Rats are way more intelligent. KIA’s just too fucking stupid to realize.

I really just hate the fact that they’re trying to use that to appeal to people. Honestly, what is it about gangs that makes you idiots so damn attracted to such shitty commercials? KIA’s cars suck ass, and if you didn’t know, gangs do this:


Now I’m all for the offing of all humans, but when you’re dressed like Justin Beiber while slitting someone’s throat, you kind of look like an asshole. And by kind of I mean you should kill yourself now before the leprechauns do (and if you don’t get that joke, screw off).

To be honest, I don’t even know where I’m going with this whole rant so I guess I’ll just end it here. I just figured I’d bitch and moan about things I hate and then spice it up by swearing a lot (because swearing actually makes you look sophisticated).

§Rainbows & Skeletons§