21 Candles for JonBenét Ramsey

Today would have been JonBenét Ramsey’s 21st birthday. Unfortunately, JonBenét didn’t get to blow out her candles this year, or any other year since she was six-years-old.

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JonBenét was murdered on Christmas day, 1996. Originally reported as a missing person, several hours later, her body was found in the basement of the Ramsey home.

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JonBenét’s death still remains a mystery. Her family was cleared of any involvment in July of 2008, leaving her killer unknown to the world. There isn’t much we, the public, can do. We can’t bring her back, we can’t aid in the police investigation no matter how badly we want to…but what we can do is remember little JonBenét Ramsey and keep her in our hearts. She was taken from this world entirely too soon, and no one even knows why. We can wish her a happy birthday, as she’s opening her presents in heaven today.

Happy 21st, JonBenét!

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