
I suggest watching the full interview but if you don’t have 44 minutes to spare, the drama starts around 35:00

Late to the party yet again! But I just saw the interview with Christopher Drew and some other no-names in BryanStars latest interview and since I have nothing better to do and because I really think these assholes were wayyyy out of line, I’m going to give my two cents!

First of all, I’ve never been a fan of NeverShoutNever; I saw Christopher Drew a couple years ago on Warped Tour and though it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, it certainly didn’t have my panties all up in a bunch with excitement. That being said, my opinion is obviously biased only because I do happen to like BryanStars. I think his interviews are fun and he asks questions that no one else does. I mean, look at how many times artists are asked the same questions OVER AND OVER AND OVER. “Your new album is out, what does the title mean?! I know you’ve been asked this five billion times and every single fan who’s watching this already knows the answer but could you tell us again?” No one but Bryan comes in and is able to be comfortable, joke around and just have a good time with bands. Even when he’s being goofy and everything is completely random, he still elicits a serious response and the artist can usually throw in their words of wisdom if he/she so desires.

Given that, if Christopher Drew didn’t want to do the interview, he should’ve said so before making Bryan and his friends drive for seven hours, pay for a shitty hotel room, and on top of that, sit in the green room in the back of some dingy little club waiting on his ass. He should’ve known the nature of the interview going in, as it was just the same as the one he’d given two years earlier.

The guy on the far left (I don’t know his name, and after the way he treated Bryan, I don’t want to know) is asked two questions, both times responding with an exasperated sigh followed by “I don’t know” as if he’s too good to be there, and that Bryan and all the fans of NeverShoutNever are just a waste of his time. Obviously being in a mediocre band where no one even knows your name is such a huge a time-suck.

The guy on the far right next to Bryan is cool until he starts going through the questions and throwing the ones he doesn’t like on the floor, as if all Bryan’s hard work and effort aren’t good enough for his precious ass. Who even knows how much time it takes to think of the questions, type them up, etc, only to be thrown on the ground like trash. What an asshole.

Everything that’s said to Bryan is completely out of line. For someone who talks about “destroying egos” and blah blah blah, Christopher Drew obviously wasn’t talking about his own. He called Bryan Stars’ entire show a joke, and said that he makes a mockery of everyone he talks to. Why?! Because he’s getting the artists and bands he talks to to open up and have fun? Because he’s enjoying himself and not asking the same five questions like every other interviewer?

I understand wanting to talk about the music, and that sometimes you just have a bad day, but those things are no reason to be a flat out dick to someone, especially a fan who drove seven hours just to see you.

AlwaysSuckAlways have lost all respect I (n)ever had for them, and I can tell you right now, you won’t ever see me buying one of their records again! I hope Bryan and Nate smashed those sunglasses right after the cameras were turned off.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§