Quitting While I’m Ahead?

Tonight I attempted to make dinner like I always do, but the forces of the universe seemed to all but prevent me from getting it done. I was making fajitas and decided to brown the shells in a frying pan, which would have worked out just fine had I not been so careless and made such a stupid mistake!

My burners aren’t labeled but since I’ve lived in my house for almost four years, I’ve pretty much memorized which switch goes to which burner; but tonight, I accidentally switched on the wrong one and didn’t even notice until it was too late. I put a ceramic plate to collect the browned fajita shells on top of the burner that I had accidentally switched on, and turned my attention towards unloading the dishwasher, not even noticing my mistake until I saw a red hot glowing light underneath the plate.

Not even thinking, I grabbed the plate with my bare hands and threw it on the counter, where it prominently busted from the heat (high school science class wasn’t exactly my forte but I’m sure there’s some kind of term to describe why that happened, I don’t know it, but if you do feel free to enlighten me…something about particles and whatnot?). Anyways, as if having a huge burn on my hands isn’t bad enough, I then stepped on a piece of the plate and slashed my foot open! Hooray.

AND after all that, I still had to finish dinner and manage to eat without killing myself, and then somehow make my way back to bed where I’m totally staying for the rest of the night. I’m not good at cooking. I’m not actually good at much, but I assure you I’m worst at cooking. I shouldn’t be allowed near a stove or an oven…

And if you’re a doctor, be thankful that I’m pretty much making half your earnings for you every year by being a walking accident waiting to happen. I’d say that I’m quitting while I’m ahead, but let’s get real, I’m not even ahead at this point. And I don’t even think quitting is a viable option…dream on!!

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

Primal Scream

Today has been…a day. Before I get into that, though, let’s focus on our new header we got going on here. First of all, this is my absolute favorite header/layout I’ve had in my entire blogging career (it’s a career now, shut up). Not because the art is that great; I’m decent to mediocre when it comes to anything Photoshop. I love it because the message really seems to suit my life, and therefore this blog, perfectly. If you can’t read underneath the name, it says (lyrics from Mötley Crüe’s Primal Scream), “If you want to live life on your own terms, you gotta be willing to crash and burn”. I mean, how much of my life does that sum up? I do live life on my own terms; I moved out of my parents’ house right after I turned 16, I make my own rules, I have my own responsibilities, I live my own life. Hell, I’m moving to New York BY MYSELF in a couple of months! And due my…um…anarchy, and my inability to get along with anyone while being under the same roof, though it has allowed me to be free and live life on my own, it also in a lot of ways sucks total ass, thereby the crashing and burning. You make mistakes and the only person that you have to fall back on is yourself. Not that that’s anything new.

So this is my motto for now and I’m definitely sticking to it. I’m glad I’ve incorporated it into the bloggety-blog; it makes me feel like I’m one more step into being completely honest and sharing my full heart into this massive project. I’m so excited for the real 5th year anniversary of the day I first started posting (April 29!). Definitely some surprises coming your way 😉

Anyways! On with the ranting…

My parents were supposed to have Jake this weekend as his spring break is this week and I need all the time to charge my batteries as I can get. Well, for some reason, that fell through the cracks and I got him back this afternoon. On Friday, I literally slept for 13 hours and ended waking up at 7PM that night. I needed the sleep, and with Jacob not there I really took advantage. Today was supposed to be my errands day, but it was cold, wet and crappy out so I just went grocery shopping and returned home to find munckin and family waiting for my arrival. So much for a relaxing Saturday.

My ‘rents seemed to be mad at me, and I’ve literally no idea why. It’s not like I forced them to do anything, it’s two fucking days! I don’t know, I think people are just naturally angry at me for whatever reason. I’m easy to be angry at, especially lately just because of all the grudges I’ve been letting go of. It’s too much work to be mad all the time; it just wears me down and stresses me out. I’d much rather just forgive and forget or repress it until I’m in my mid-30s and then buy a sports car to deal with it then. I’ve lost the part of me that wants to fight, I simply don’t give a shit anymore.

That isn’t to say things don’t piss me off, because oh boy, do they. I’ve already talked about my parents, might as well make it a family reunion and include everyone! Nick is being a total, elitist fucking asshole, more so than usual. So long story short, I didn’t graduate high school and don’t hold down what society would call a “real job”, so obviously I have no goals or motivations and pretty much just strive to be homeless by the time I’m 25. Except for that whole, ya know, getting my GED in July (the absolute earliest I can get it), going to college in the fall, etc etc. Those aren’t goals, according to expert fucking Nicholas, they’re silly little pipe dreams that won’t amount to anything. I’d like to say that I just made that up for a dramatic anecdote, but no, he really said that. He truly thinks that I’m worthless; that anything I set out to do will be a colossal failure just like the rest of my life. It’s so fucking awesome to know that your older brother, the person who is probably the closest human being that you have, thinks you’re an absolute waste of space.

It’s funny how, though my job is “stupid” and “pointless”, it pays for the house he lives in (yes, he lives under MY roof), the food in MY kitchen, and the clothes on his back. He can’t even afford to pay a quarter of the rent half the time yet I’m the loser?!

Today he actually told me that I should get a job at Dairy Queen (the place he was fired from two years ago) so that I would know what a “real job is”. He said that working the cash register is “hard work” and the drive-thru window is even worse. Are you fucking kidding me?! This fucking moron who can’t even work a cash register is going to tell me how to live my life? Fuck you!

No fucking offense to anyone who works in fast food, but if you can’t figure out THIS:
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
within thirty minutes of it first being shown to you, it’s safe to say you’re right where you belong. I mean, for fuck’s same, REALLY? Is pressing a couple buttons hard? Is it difficult to keep track of how many fucking cheeseburgers someone orders? Nick, I might be a high school drop out spiraling down into the gates of Hell, but holy fuck, at least I can work in fast food!

A couple days ago we got on the subject of my taking the GED test, and he accused me of not knowing how to use a calculator. Look, I might suck at math and am just generally stupid as fuck (according to Nick), but hey, just like a cash register, it ain’t fucking rocket science! I can’t even believe I’m writing this like I have something to prove. He’s just such a dick; he has nothing going for him so he has to bring down everyone else. D-I-C-K.

Can we just entertain this thought for a moment…Nick graduated high school last year, not with any honors or achievements; basically he ranked somewhere in the middle of his class. Before graduating, he worked at Dairy Queen for two months during the summer before his junior year. Two fucking months. He worked as a life guard, also for two months, the summer before his senior year. After graduating, Nick spent from May to November doing absolutely nothing. I think he mailed in a few pieces of paper to the Airforce, which mommy and daddy filled out and sent off anyways. So yeah, he did nothing. In November, as a way to get him out of the house and into the working world, my dad got him a job as a plumber’s assistant. He goes to work about three times a week, and since he can only buy his girlfriends, he’s miraculously managed to not get fired and oh yeah, our dad is friends with his boss so I’m sure that helps too.

Now I’m not trying to make it sound like this is a bad thing. He just turned 18, he’s living life out of high school. These are years to relax, enjoy, have fun! That’s all great; I want him to be happy, I want him to enjoy this time while he isn’t being forced to provide for himself. But to think, I’ll be going to college in the fall, living a million miles from everyone I know, truly living my life completely, 100% on my own. I have roughly the next six months until I’m ripping the band-aid off for a good, being a full adult at the age of 17. I never got the wild and crazy years of being a carefree teenager. I was forced to adopt, adapt, and live life as a person 10 years older and wiser than I really am. In all this crazy shit, I should be 26! Again, I’m not trying to be all woe-is-me boooo hoooo hoooo; I just want to live my life without people criticizing me ALL THE TIME.

Which brings me to my next subject! What, did you think I was done?!

My grandfather is coming for Jake’s spring break to “visit”. And by “visit” I mean judge and criticize and ridicule and complain. Because that’s what grandparents are for, obviously. I swear these people come by every few months just so they can find something to bitch about. Talk about people who are always angry at me!

The last time my grandmother was here, everything was perfect. The house was spotless, dinner’s flawless, Jake on his best behavior. Didn’t matter. Didn’t matter for one second because fuck me, I suck! My grandfather is the same way, and I’m willing to bet the first words out of his mouth will be, “Hey Lindsay, any plans to get back in school yet?” to which I’ll reply for the millionth time with, “No, grandpa, I’m getting my GED and going to art school later this year” and then he’ll probably let out some deep sigh of disappointment and then tell me to get him a drink. The same conversation five billion times over. Obviously my happiness, my hopes, and my dreams are meaningless to everybody.

Despite all these problems, I still am doing relatively well in terms of happiness. I’m determined to not let them get to me. Maybe one day I’ll get to prove them all wrong. And then again, there’s always room to crash and burn…

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

PS.: If you actually read this whole thing, thank you! It feels like it was long to write and had a lot of boring, personal shit no one cares about, but if you made it to the end that’s more than I could ask for.


Okay, enough of the bullshit. It’s complaint Monday and boy, am I really pissed off!

First of all, as you all know, a couple months ago Jake dropped my laptop down the stairs and who would’ve known, stair droppin’ ain’t good for laptops. Soooo, I sent it off to Toshiba and long story short, they’re a big bag of dicks.
All that was broken was the screen, so you can guess how surprised I was when I got the estimate and they wanted EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS to repair it. Um, excuse the fuck out of me, Toshiba, but for $800 I can buy two brand new laptops from Dell who won’t overcharge the motherfuck out of me!
So I told them (literally) to just chuck it in the trash because I wasn’t about to spend any amount of money to fix their stupid piece of shit, to which the lady then proceded to tell me, “oh then I guess we’ll send it back to you and charge you $119 for it”. To which I said a quick little “fuck you”, agreed that yeah, sure send it back for $119! Then I paid my Time Warner bill which debited my credit card account (the card that was set up to pay Toshiba) to $0.00, and cancelled the card altogether. So hahahahahaha fuck you Toshiba, I win.
Another slap in my face came a couple hours later when I was talking to Austin Community College about taking my GED test early instead of waiting until I turn 17 in July. They flat out told me that unless their was a court order to take it (the lady, and I quote directly, said that “if Timmy robbed a bank, they could put in a court order for him to take it at age 16 instead of 17. Little Susan can’t take the test at 16 just because it would be good for her”). Excuse me?! Timmy, who just robbed a fucking bank and is going the fuck to jail is allowed to complete school and receive an education before fucking Susie who has a goddamn family to feed and who hasn’t been arrested for a motherfucking felony?! What the hell is wrong with this fucking fucked up school system?!
Look here: fuck Timmy. What the hell is he gonna do with his “education”? School the other fucking inmates on how to rob a bank?! He can’t even do that because obviously he got caught in the goddamn fucking first place. Maybe little fucking Susie and I should go kill some people and burn some fucking shit down because obviously being decent, moral people just isn’t cutting it. People treat you better when you’re an asshole…
I just want to go fucking college so I can get a damn degree of some sort so I can stop sacrificing clothes on my back to put dinner on the table. Guess that’s just too much to fucking ask for.
§Rainbows & Skeletons§
This blog has literally been sitting in my drafts begging to be finished for almost a week now. Wrote half of it and then just couldn’t be asked to write the rest until now. Also I felt like swearing. You’re welcome…or maybe thank you…

My Brother Is Fucking Stupid

Okay, so if you read this blog frequently, you’ll know I live with an absolute moron, aka my brother Nicholas. You’ll also know that he’s a huge freeloading asshole.

Before I get into why he’s an asshole today, I’m going to start by listing why he’s an asshole overall:

•Nick lives in my house rent free, pretty much contributing what he can afford, which is usually around $100-200 a month (rent is $1200)
•He doesn’t pay any utilities, save the $20 he gave me ONE TIME to pay for his portion of the cell phone bill
•Nick does not own a car, so he uses mine. He rarely pays for gas and only pays for his part of the insurance. He has never paid for inspection stickers, new license plates, etc.
•Nick doesn’t even keep his own room clean, much less any other parts of the house. He doesn’t do dishes, laundry, vacuum, etc. It’s all left for me to do
•He doesn’t cook, but he will occasionally (and I do mean occasionally) bring home take-out or pay for pizza (that I have to order)

^And that’s only the financial side of him being an asshole.

So why am I just now bringing this up and acting like it has suddenly become a problem today?

Well, it’s been a problem for a while, but it’s one of those things that you just have no control over. I’m moving to New York this fall; Nick will not be coming with me. I love my brother, and I understand when you have financial problems on top of being stuck in the rut we’ve been in. So me being the big super hero little sister that I am (it’s literally my job in life to save his ass, always has been) I reached my hand out to him, and that inch allowed him to take a mile and that’s where I’m at today. As for why it’s just all of sudden pissing me off, well that’s about his new girlfriend.

Yes, Nick’s new “love interest” whom I’m going to call Amy to save my own ass from being sued. Nick thinks that money grows on trees, and having lady friends makes him think he has dozens of said trees growing in the backyard. This one girl in particular, Amy, has been showered with gifts ever since Nick met her, and six months in and I’ve fucking had it. I understand wanting to impress your girlfriend and give her the best money can buy, blah blah blah. But he OWES ME.

Tonight I learned that he bought a star (yes, a motherfucking star, like up in space shooting across the sky fucking star) for this dumb little Amy chick for $40. Apparently you get a stupid fucking plaque and they send a picture of you up in space or some cray shit like that. And this is AFTER he spent over $200 getting them tickets to some dumbass Anime Con and paying for (separate) hotel rooms for himself, Amy, and a bunch of his friends. And that was AFTER he spent over a grand taking her dumbass to fancy restaurants and buying her clothes.

Shoot me in the foot and call me jealous, because fuck yes am I jealous! I’m eating bagged pasta from the frozen food section in Wal-Mart just so I can afford to put gas back in MY car that YOU drove and didn’t refill. I take cold showers just so the baby can take warm baths because I can’t afford to fix our hot water heater, yet you’re out buying fucking stars and lounging in hotel hot tubs while I work my ass off to pay for everything else!

My point is that if he has money to throw around and waste, he should have money to buy a car with, to rent an apartment with, etc. I shouldn’t be the one in charge of supporting his ass! I already got a six-year-old and I don’t need another one!

Like I said, I will be moving to New York this fall and then I’m fucking done. Cut my losses, never loan another dime to him for the rest of my life. Para-Para-Paradise…or something like that.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

I Hate My Dentist

It’s 12:02AM and since I have to be up at six tomorrow (and every other weekday, thanks Jake’s school!) this post will be short…

I don’t have much to say other than I HATE MY DENTIST I HATE MY DENTIST I HATE MY DENTIST! Oh, did I mention that I HATE my dentist?

So today the entire department of dentistry in the whole state of Texas decided to get together and come up with a new method of torture just for me, and oh boy, did they do a great job! The finished product: Bite Blockers! Yes, a device that actually prevents you from biting down. A device that stops you from chewing and smiling and being happy and every other good thing this world has to offer. Okay, so that’s not the actual purpose but I’m in agony so who cares. If you want real information, I found this video that can explain it without the suicidal innuendoes being thrown in.

Okay, so why do I have bite blockers? Other than my dentist and every other medical professional having some kind of conspiracy against me, I have them because I have a terrible overbite and this is apparently the only way to fix it. I think it has more to do with that whole vendetta against me more than any overbite, but hey what do I know, it’s not like I went to medical school for what…like three years? It’s three years to become a dentist, right? I don’t know.

Anyways, now I’m going to spend the rest of the night like I do most nights; curled up in bed hoping to die. That’s a bit too over dramatic, isn’t it? Oops, time to go have some plane crash dreams…

§Rainbows & Skeletons§