They’re Only Chasing Safety

I was watching Carlos Mencia last night (he’s hilarious, watch him) and he was talking about Superheroes and how they’ve all become weak little pansies that, instead of taking out the bad guys and kicking ass, they hit you with their purses and run off to go cry in a corner. And guess what? He’s right!

Seen Superman lately? He’s become a whiny little poptart that has a nervous breakdown every time he has to fight. “Oh, God! I might break a nail and offend someone!” And that’s what it is. People are so goddamn hung over about not hurting other people’s feeling that they’re willing to give in and change our superheroes to little fruitloop jackasses just so some douche doesn’t have some little sissy meltdown.

I’m sick of people being babies over stupid shit. Yes, there’s violence on TV. Get over it! You don’t want to watch it? Change it to the LOGO channel, you bitch! And instead of blaming everyone and their grandma for your half-ass job as a parent, why don’t you grow a pair and actually raise your damn child?! It isn’t video games that’s turning your kid into a dipshit, it’s you!

People need to get off their asses and take care of their children. I’ve said it over and over, if you’re not going to be responsible for the little brat you brought into the world, don’t have the thing! Obviously if you can’t afford dog food, then you don’t get a damn dog. What the hell is the difference between having children?

And another thing that pisses me off is people stealing cars. I was watching that Bait Car show and all these dumb ass retards got into these cars and started acting like they’re the shit and then…OH! WTF?! The car’s tagged by police and guess what dipshit? You’re being followed!

I swear to God, these people are so fucking stupid. Ever heard of something being too good to be true? Yeah, a Ford Escalade with the keys in the ignition and no one around is *drum roll* TOO GOOD TO BE FUCKING TRUE! Congratulations, you’re a moron!

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

Moving For the Sake of Motion

Number of times I’ve left for days with no response? Five.
Number of blogs that are named after an Underoath song? Four.
Number of Pure Imagination blogs that I’ve written to date? Three.
Number of crappy jobs I’ve had to work this week? Two.
Number of people that care? One.
My awesome response to all of this? Priceless.

So I’d just like to say that the only reason I did leave you all hanging was due to the lovely holiday season and my escape to friends and the outside world. Alas, as much as I did like getting away for a bit, we all know my place is here. I love the internet. Nothing could ever compare.

Secondly, Underoath kicks ass. Enough said.

Pure Imagination has been sort of a flop, but I do plan on adding more sooner or later. With everything being so hectic all the time, this blog has even gotten hard to manage, but I do promise to try harder with it.

And this bring us to the horrible relentless jobs I’ve been forced into by my mother this week. It’s been awful. Not to mention the fact that every dime I make goes to those damn court fees until the day I die. Well, until August at least. That’s like a whole lifetime, shut up.

Last but not least, I’ve noticed that I’ve been the only one to be reading these things lately, so um…what the hell? I go on a couple hiatuses and you all leave me in the dark? Come on people, get on it.

Well, anywho, I don’t have much else to say other than that Matthew Leone is doing much better and is now home from the hospital with his second brain surgery scheduled for July 16…two days before my birthday. For those of you that can’t get a gift to me for whatever reason, this is your chance to not have your legs broken for not extending the effort of getting me a present. All I ask is that you pray for Matt’s safety through his surgery and recovery and perhaps even harass the douche bag that did this to him?

In other music related news, Evanescence’s album Revisited will be out in the fall, Flyleaf’s video for Chasm should be on its way, and Emilie Autumn’s book is being re-printed now. Oh, and Anberlin’s album is coming out on September 21. Their new single is of course called “We Owe This To Ourselves” and is now on Youtube. Speaking of Youtube, Paramore’s video for The Only Exception has reached 10 million views! Yay!

That’s pretty much it. I’ll try not to part ways for too long without any explanation. Byyyee.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

PS.: The douche bucket who hurt Matt is on Facebook and LinkedIn. Just thought I’d share that lovely bit of information. HintHint. 😉


I’m so pissed words can’t even begin to explain the rage I feel right now.

First off, I fucking hate my parents. They leave me with their little shit of a kid, who doesn’t even like me half the time, just to go out and party because hey, they have a free babysitter! I’m over this. Today I had to take Jake to his friends’ birthday, and instead of being responsible for their own child, they force him off on me to go “socialize”. What the hell?! I wouldn’t even mind it so bad on the weekends if I didn’t already have to watch him the entire week just so they can work their stupid jobs. Or maybe it’d be better if when they got home from their crummy job, they could at least spare a few bucks for the babysitter?

What’s even worse is that they leave us no money to do anything and expect me to play with the brat the entire time! I mean, there’s only so much you can do with a regular four-year-old, much less one that hates you. Then they get mad if I let him watch TV or play video games even though there’s nothing else to do! And my mother actually wants me to take him outside, which isn’t a problem set aside the 100 degree weather and the fact that the only thing to do is go to some shitty, run-down playground that we have to walk to (because God-forbid it’d be too much to leave the car).

Not to mention that there’s nothing to eat or drink besides some nasty cheery Chrush shit and because they’re too cheap to leave any money or to even order a pizza, we’re stuck without food for how ever long they decide to make us wait. I’m fucking tired of this. They’re 40 years old and have three children; enough with the partying. And no, I’m not being selfish. I don’t mind if they want a couple hours to themselves every once in a while, but not at the expense of myself. I’m your daughter, not your goddamn nanny! Either hire someone else or at least try to accommodate that I have a life of my own and that I’m not Jake’s parent. You are, so it’s time to start acting like it.

20 More Reasons I Hate Children.

As much as I’d hope to have stopped people from breeding with my last blog about hating children, I still haven’t so here’s another go at it:

1. Because of children, my car is now completely filthy. The backseat now smells like rotten poptarts and is covered in dry milk. Want to role down a window? Oh, too bad. The etch-a-sketch blocks the left and the doodle pad the right.

2. They make what should be good-looking people huge. No one wants to tap that!

3. Getting them into a car seat properly is kind of like going into military combat. Wanna try? Take a look at the bite marks up my arm and you’ll reconsider.

4. If doing laundry was a crime, I’d be in for a life sentence. Kids pee on everything. And I do mean EVERYTHING. Themselves, their clothes, their beds, their floors, EVERYTHING.

5. If they’re not peeing, they’re throwing up. Unless picking up pieces of regurgitated food off of your couch every time you want to sit down is your thing, don’t have children.

6. Walking anywhere is more or less going to either turn into a run for the bathroom or a slow drag across the grocery store while they shout bloody murder about Pokemon.

7. If you plan on having children, buy paint thinner. Why? Because after pretending to give two shits about Dora the Explorer for the next six years, you’ll want to thoroughly soak your eyes in it.

8. Chuck E. Cheeses. Need I say more?

9. If children weren’t in my life, my couches would not have holes in them, my walls wouldn’t have crayon on them, and my curtains wouldn’t smell like urine.

10. Because of children, it’s now impossible to get anything semi-enjoyable done until the wee hours of the night. Hence the reason I’m writing this blog at two in morning.

11. My front door walk-in area is filled with so much dirt and sand, it almost resembles beach front property. Very cheap beach front property.

12. Just because talking about feces isn’t my cup of tea.

13. The refrigerator is now home to some of the shittiest artwork I’ve ever seen. What’s worse is that you can never ever get rid of it because it’s “sentimental”.

14. Because children consume so much milk, you should probably start thinking of taking out a second mortgage for a down payment on a dairy farm.

15. Watching two kids fighting should be hilarious, but unfortunately that’s considered “child abuse” and therefore has to be broken up. And let me remind you that you’re responsible for breaking it up and kids have sharp teeth.

16. Adventuring has now been reduced to navigating through Wal-Mart without having a mental breakdown.

17. You’d think going to the park might be fun and relaxing, but those fucking brats even manage to make that an ordeal. Not to mention those damn swings. After listening to an argument about who should get the “big kid” swing, you’re inevitably forced to push them both until you’re ready to stick a fork in your eye.

18. Getting them dressed has the amount of pleasure as getting sodomized by a gorilla would. To get anywhere on time, set your clock back by two hours and pray it’s a good morning.

19. Because kids have to pee constantly and it would kill them to even do that with some pride, always expect there to be urine on the toilet seat and floor. And if they’re nice, they’ll leave a nice turd in the bowl because they’re too lazy to flush.

20. And finally, because if kids didn’t exist, either would this blog and that’d make a lot of people happier.

Still not convinced? Read this!

§Rainbows & Skeletons§


I am so sick of all the drama going on with this crap. Number one, I think we all need to step back and leave just a little foot room to finally GET OVER OURSELVES. You’re not God. I don’t care if you’re the biggest star in the entire universe. Memento Mori to that, bitch. Leaving your little self-absorbed Tweets all over the net isn’t doing you any good.

God dammit. I remember going through something similar a couple years back. You all get back from the recording studio thinking your hot shit, when in reality who got you there in the first place? You think you’d step on a single stage if it weren’t for your fans busting their ass to get you there? Think again.

I’m done. This is my two cents and then I’m backing into the shadows and you can all wage war over whatever you want. Being a fan, I get their mentality and see more from their perspective. So, please, if you’d like a chance to redeem yourself, go right ahead. I can most certainly tell you that posting these snooty messages isn’t getting you anywhere.

I’m also done with all this other drama with a few select other people in the business, ie. the people who feel the need to completely trash another band over the internet, telling them to man-up when in fact they’re the one’s hiding behind a computer screen. That’s fucking weak and there was never a need for it. You have a problem, you tell them face-to-face. All of this trying to get fans “on your side” is complete bullshit. Yeah, the tour didn’t work out, oh well. Grow a pair and shut the fuck up. No one cares about what you have to say. Consider all of my respect for you gone.

The end. Now continue with your fighting for all I care.

And the whole “Memento Mori” thing is just me making my point, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with Flyleaf, whom I still and will always have the up-most respect for.

Anti-Isolation Ideas:

Well, to make sure I’m not kept up in my house for the rest of my days and to insure I can bless each of your lives at least once with the grace of my presence, I present to you a somewhat shifty schedule to give a little idea of where I’ll be over the next couple of months…

July 1 – Warped Tour – San Antonio, TX
July 2 – Mary Magdalan – Austin, TX
July 4 – Mary Magdalan – Houston, TX
July 28 – Underoath – Dallas, TX
Aug 25 – Fireflight – Bedford, TX
Aug 26 – Fireflight – Orange, TX OR Aug 26 – Green Day – Dallas, TX
Sept 8 – Paramore – Spring, TX
Sept 10 – Paramore – Grand Prairie, TX

So there you have it. Again, everything’s subject to change but at least you have a basic idea…

Anywho, it’s now complaint time, and you know what really grinds my gears? HLN aka Headline News.

First off, every show on there is retarded as sin.

You have start off your day every morning with this clown and her team of “experts”. The only thing they’re experts at is being total dipshits who don’t know how to run a show without breaking off into idle conversation every ten minutes.

Next you’re forced to sit through this crap while they spit the same story at you every 30 minutes until they finally realize the show’s been on for four hours and decide to move on to something “productive”.

After watching about six hours of the same three stories on repeat, the network finally changes programs and subjects you to two hours of “controversy” while this holier-than-thou being informs us on all the “gyrating” women of the world and why society is falling apart.

You’d think that after a full eight hours of shitty programming, this network would finally be done. But oh, no! Full speed ahead into Jane Velez! This former-alcoholic can’t go five minutes without harping on about how she struggled with addiction– Even if it’s completely irrelevant to the story. “Ten children died today in a fire…and as a former addict, I can most certainly tell you that I like peanut butter”.

Finally, we move into late night shows with Nancy Grace. This woman will fight for justice, because as a former investigator and mother of twins, she’s not about to have a civilized conversation on live television when the chaos could ensue and get her ratings even lower than they already are.

The last show of the night before they start their 12 hour loop of replay is the most provocative show ever. It’s so provocative that provocative is the only provocative word used provocatively at least 10 provocative times per every provocative minute. Provocative.

Okay, time to go melt into oblivion in my cave-lair. Bye nao.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

Hands, like secrets, are the hardest thing to keep from You. Lines and phrases, like knives, Your words can cut me through. Dismantle me down (Dismantle; repair).

It wasn’t a "war", it was a "conflict".

What’s that, Texas? The word terrorist is offensive? Oh, right. Because it might hurt people’s feelings.

So today the retards in control of brainwashing the children of Texas made the decision to change the textbooks in schools to happy smiles and sunshine, because violence is mean and wrong. Of course, how could we ever let our kids learn about such horrible things like war when we could just teach them about butterflies and rainbows?


Why do people do this? Think about how stupid people are now. Cut out the most relevant materials being taught today and you’re left with nothing.

I’m so fucking tired of people pussy-footing around when it comes to what’s going on in today’s schools. Who gives a shit if some little brat’s “offended” by the history of our world? This is what went down. Pretending it never happened won’t help anyone and you’re all morons for thinking it would.

OHMYGOD, Thomas Jefferson’s a FREE-THINKER? Burn him at the stake! Why teach kids that when we can shove our politically correct, socially-accepted Christian BS down their throats? Fuck that.

This is an absolute outrage to anyone who’s ever been a part of history and is most certainly offensive to everyone’s intelligence.


§Rainbows & Skeletons§

Oh, wait. Just §Rainbows§, “Skeletons” are bad and are a sin. Sorry.

You can think of me when you forget your seatbelt…

And again when your head goes through the windshield.

Aw, and you guys thought I was getting soft on you. Ha. Think again.

No, I’m actually here to talk about ridding the world of people. That’s right, me and my awesomeness have discovered a way to rid the world of it’s problems, simply by killing a few billion people. 🙂

Well, all of this started today in geography when I was taking his stupid test and I noticed a graph of the world’s predicted population in 2050. My darlings, there are too many people on this planet now, think about forty years from now. Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Thus my amazing plan comes into place and takes care of it all. I’m so selfless; spending a whole twenty minutes to save everyone from a world of grief…

Anywho, my first order of business would be determining who lives and who dies. All violent criminals and pedophiles are automatically gone. No ifs, ands, or buts. Gone. Instantly. Think about it, if there’s (according to Google) 6,697,254,041 people in the world and we’ll say 10 million violent criminals and pedophiles. Kill them off and we’re left with only 6,687,254,041 people.

Next, we get rid of all old people. So how many oldies are out there? Maybe seven million? Take them off the map and we’re left with 6,680,254,041 people. Now if we stop people from having children, that’d be another, we’ll say, 20 billion people off our backs. That would ultimately take care of the entire problem, and we’d be left with…-13,319, 745,959 people.

See? Not only did I reduce the world’s population, I made everyone extinct! I rock at life.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

God, I want to dream again…

Which is ironic, because I’ve been listening to the Amazing Atheist all morning. It’s not so much the fact that I believe he’s sooo right, it’s more or less just because he’s actually intelligent and I do happen to agree with him a lot.

I’m really tired of stupid people, I am. They all walk around like they’re so superior and grand; like they’re so profound and wonderful. Hearing nothing but their own words reverberating in their head; thinking they’re so amazing that they fill up the entire world with their wisdom. In reality, they’re worthless, soulless, imagination-less, prating expletives who think too much of themselves. Bitter much? Probably.

I’m just sick of people thinking that they’re so much better than everyone else. That their feeble-minded, opinionated brilliance isn’t just another way to cover up their self-impressed, non-entity of a life. As if their arrogance is truly a self-fulfilling prophecy. Get over yourselves.

Now, I’m not going to lie and say that “everyone’s equal; no one’s better than anyone else”. If you believe that, long story short, you’re retarded. First off, because I am definitely way higher on the scale than most of you will ever be. I fucking rock, let’s get that straight. You’re in my house, bitch. Two, common sense would say that murderers aren’t on the same level as a saint, but whatever. As long as we understand the fact that I’m amazing, we’ll be better off.

Does this make me a hypocrite? Quite possibly. I do think I’m better than everyone else, but at least I recognize that I am an ignorant loser corrupt with thoughtless ideologies.

So where am I going with this? I have no idea. We just need more capable people who are actually worth something more than their self-satisfying insolence.

Ah, well. I’m probably writing this to a bunch of mindless zombies who couldn’t give a crap anyways. 😛

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

I believe that dreams are sacred;
Take my darkest fears and play them,
Like a lullaby, like a reason why.
Like a play of my obsessions;
Make me understand the lesson!
So I’ll find myself, so I won’t be lost again.

If You Wanna Get Out Alive…

Oh, my darlings. I have found another thing to piss me off. Something even worse than people being depressed around me. Matter of fact, it actually spawns the reason why people are depressed around me: lack of self-confidence.

People with low self-esteem need to die in a hole. Do you know how much of a turn off it is to talk to someone who thinks nothing of themselves? Honestly, if you think that poorly of yourself, you might as well just end it all now. If you’re just gonna whine and be apathetic all the time, please don’t talk to me. I’m being extremely serious when I say this. I mean, really do NOT talk to me. It will end badly for both of us but moreover for you.

I’m going to just lay this down flat and straightforward: No one cares. I really do not care if any of you (give or take a few people) kill yourself right now. Do it, whatever. And that’s the thing. You all rely so much on the world’s opinion of you that you really start to believe it. Call me stupid. Call me whatever you’d like and I know that I’m gonna wake up the next day and know that I’m 100% worth everything I’ve ever been. And no, I’m not going to sit here and bullshit you guys by telling you that you’re worth so much more. Number one, because half of you aren’t and number 2, because it’s not for me to decide. You’re worth exactly how much you wanna be worth.

Some people really need to realize that their value has nothing to do with anyone else. So you did this and that, boo fucking hoo. Yeah, I’ve almost been arrested four times. Maybe a lawyer might see me as scum, but he can suck it. I’m the greatest. It’s my opinion and it’s the only one that matters.

All of you see this as being conceited, when really, I’m just fucking amazing. If I wasn’t me, I’d wish I was. I feel bad for people who aren’t me; it truly must suck. Now take this and apply it to your life. If you wanna be the best damn thing known to man, you go for it. And hey, when someone says what you’re doing isn’t worth it, you punch them in the face and bash their skull in with your awesomeness.

Now my join my group, bitches: The Future Leaders of Awesome

© Me. Don’t steal my pictures, you douche.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§