
My day has been…well, I’ll put it like this:

7:20AM – Wake up late, rush to get ready.

7:44AM – Barely make it to the bus on time, forced to sit in crappy seat.

8:10AM – Finally at school, had some old lady yell in my face about what a “wonderful” morning it was.

8:35AM – Had to go to class, which is actually credit recovery, and it’s boring as sin.

11:20AM-ish – Sitting in English class minding my own business when the teacher randomly attacks me for not listening to his boring speech about books or whatever he was going on about.

12:30PM-ish – Had to eat nasty school food which tastes like barf and dead people.

2:40PM-ish – Told that we have to turn in work that I totally didn’t do and that missing Friday’s class was no excuse because…well, I kind of tuned out at that point; don’t really know what he said…

3-3:50PM – Translated French crap while being forced to say stupid poems about boy scouts and autumn to raise my grade.

3:50-4:30PM – Had to ride the stupid bus again with some ugly chick sitting in my seat complaining that Underoath’s music is “too loud” and asking if I could “turn it down”. Hmm, let me think about that: You sat in my seat, have been complaining about sitting in my seat, and are now asking me if I could “turn down” the greatest band in the history of awesome. Yeah, I’m gonna go with a no on that one. Kthxbai.

4:35PM: Walk through the door and get greeted by my lovely brother who had stayed home today asking me to make dinner. “Oh, hey! I know I’ve done nothing but sit on my ass all day playing videos games and was asked six hours in advance to start dinner, but could you do it? I realize that you just got home and all and have probably worked hard, but oh well. What’s that?! Consideration for other people?! Yeah, count me out! You’re a funny one!”

4:35-6:00PM – Attempting to make dinner while and trying to please a four-year-old at the same time. “Lindsay, can you put on cartoons? Yeah, I know you’re busy but I want cartoons right now. Patience? Um, yeah…I don’t think so. *Proceeds to cry*”

6-6:30PM – Cleaned the entire house because someone was too lazy to get up and do anything in his entire 8 hours of sitting around.

6:40PM – Parentals finally come home and inform me that since Nick (my brother) didn’t start dinner when he was supposed to, it wouldn’t be done in time for anyone to eat so we should just make our own food.

7:00PM – Finally decided to make some noodles because noodles are awesome. Ate them and went up stairs.

7-7:20PM-ish – Check Facebook and other daily internet hideouts as a means to relieve stress.

7:30PM – Stumble upon Lacey’s message on their Facebook that finally reveals that she is, in fact, pregnant. So happy for them, by the way. They’re going to be amazing parents. 🙂

7:35-7:55PM-ish – Cry my eyes out at this wonderful news and exclaim how incredibly excited I am for them.

8-8:30PM – Start writing this blog while stumbling back and forth between Youtube and Twitter.

And here I am now. So in the past 24 hours I’ve experienced more bliss than is imaginable and also great disappointment, anger, and annoyance. Don’t know how to feel about any of it really; the day’s been chaotic.

Wouldn’t mind a nap right now. Somehow the entire house managed to magically clean itself once again in the time I was actually home. Funny how I’ve spent a little less than four hours in my own home and I’ve just now started to enjoy them. Fantastic.

Well, I guess I’ll go find a TV to sit in front of and possibly force Jake out of my room without killing myself. One can only dream, right? ;P

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

A is for Apathy

Totally resenting and praising life at the same time tonight!

The bad news:


Number one, the counselors are as useful as piece of chewing gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe. I’ve been trying to change my schedule to get out of a few classes for two months now. Every time I even go in to see if someone’s available, they’re at a “meeting” or they’re “busy” with something else. How many meetings do you need to attend to learn how to not help someone? And how can they possibly be busy?! Busy with being lazy, doing nothing, Tweeting, etc? They’ve never once shown any kind of assistance to me other than to tell me to suck it up and get over it.

Like last Friday, the counselor (who finally found it in her oh-so-hectic schedule to spare me ten minutes of her life) told me that she was going to a meeting and would ask about me changing classes. So fine, I walked out of her office feeling satisfied and thought that everything would be worked out. WRONG. I go back to her Monday (she specifically told me to come in that day) and she then goes into her whole “Oh, no, the meeting’s Tuesday! You have the wrong day!” speech and nothing gets done. Okay, so that pissed me off. I know for a fact she told me to come in Monday because I wrote it down the second she told me.

Well, whatever. I thought, alright, no big deal. Fast forward to Tuesday and I’m back at her office again. But wait…the next day is just too convenient! She decides that she’ll just take a day off, no questions asked. No, it’s fine! Because I totally haven’t been stuck in a class I don’t need to be in for three months wasting my time with you being the only hope I have of getting out of it. Why don’t you just take the rest of the grading period off while you’re at it! >:|

I go there Wednesday and she finally decides to show up, but is she helpful in anyway?! OF COURSE NOT! That’d actually be doing her job! She says that the meeting was pushed to Thursday. Oh, that’s just super. Now not only can I not ask you tomorrow, but now I get to wait until Friday! That’s just great. Some people really need to get hit by a bus.

Okay, so speaking of Friday, it’s also where my personal hell (school) gets to come home with me!

I get to take one of these mechanical bastards over the weekend:

It’s RealCare baby and it’s just like a real baby. Oh, goody! Because I totally don’t already have a four-year-old running around the house like a banshee everyday, it’s completely obvious that I need one of these too! It laughs, it cries, it screams; it even pees. What would I possibly do without something so annoying interrupting my Halloween weekend? Fucking terrific.

Well, anywho, how do you like the layout? It’s kind of a Poltergeist meets Underoath kind of theme, so hope you enjoy it and it’s blueness.


My mom is back from Oklahoma, which I guess could be considered good and/or bad news depending on how you look at it. I’m counting it as good because she brought pictures!

More pictures here.

I’m also super excited because Powerman 5000 is playing here tomorrow! They opened for Flyleaf and Three Days Grace back in May, so I’m completely stoked to see them headlining. They’re kind of a weird band, but if you can get into them they’re actually pretty amazing. Join me, please! I do believe they’re at Emo’s this time, so make sure you come!

Other than that, here’s some pictures from random shows I’ve gone to this month:



Okay, I figure this blog is long enough so I’ll stop there. More pictures to come!

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

History Breakdown

So as we all know, my geography teacher is a total douche. But on top of that, he’s a big baby.

Today, for no reason, he just starts having a total hissy fit in the middle of the room. He was apparently shouting about how “low” our workbook grades were (even though they were almost all passing scores). Here’s a breakdown of his actions:

  • Standing in the middle of the room, as to get a bunch of adolescents indulgence like a prepubescent attention whore.
  • Throwing a book down on the floor like a frustrated toddler who doesn’t get his way.
  • Throwing objects across the room at his students, putting everyone in danger.
  • Insulting his students just to get a reaction, often how murderers antagonize their victims before killing them.
  • Telling everyone that they’re failing, when in fact most of them are passing.
  • Calling out students individually just to harass them.
  • Shouting obscenities like a demented two-year-old instead of using his words to communicate what his point really was.
  • And last but not least, offering no solution to try and solve the problem, just screaming like a banshee at the top of his lungs until he was satisfired with his douche baggeryness.

So, in honor of his wonderful meltdown of the day, I have now coined a new saying, “Brasher” (look up on Urban Dictionary for full definition).

K, bye now.

Rainbows & Skeletons