This Ain’t A Scene

Welllll, how have my lovelies been?

It’s 2:30 on a Saturday afternoon. I’m chillin’ with my little brother and watching Law & Order. My day’s been pretty swell so far if I do say so myself.
Everyone went out to dinner last night and (aside from a small argument on the way there) everyone got along pretty well, which, knowing my family, is a very rare occurence.
So, needless to say, life has been decent these last couple days…not mentioning school, of course.
Remember back in August when I was going on about getting in trouble for truancy? I promised myself that I would show up. Everyone wants me to be there so fucking badly, well, they got their wish! Doing anything else, on the other hand, is out of the question. It’s 7AM; I’m awake, dressed, and on time. What else could you ask for?
Anywho, teachers are especially bitchy about me working, something I absolutely refuse to do. Yesterday, since I couldn’t nap over my chemistry teacher’s rechid voice, I instead chose to draw a (very kick ass) drawing of Peter Pan. I wasn’t disturbing anyone or making any type of noise, I was just there scribblin’ away. Well, bitch face couldn’t handle the fact that I was actually enjoying myself, so she decided to take my picture away and have a “serious” conversation about my “future” with me. This is how (I assume) it went:
Teacher: Blah, blah, blah, chemistry is important (not really), blah, blah, blah.
Me: You know what’s really important? My kick ass Peter Pan picture. Look at Tinker Bell! Oh, and his ass! Those are some fine glutes, right there.
Teacher: Blah, blah, blah, college, blah, blah, your future, blah, blah.
Me: College? Why on Earth would I go to college?!
Teacher: Blah, blah, blah, your future, blah, blah, McDonald’s, blah, blah, what do you want to do once you’re out of school?
*This is the part where I start to mindfuck with her*
Me: Careers? Hmmm, I think I just want to sit around and do nothing! Yeah, that sounds great!
Teacher: Blah, blah, blah, bills don’t pay themselves, blah, blah, blah, how will you support yourself?!
Me: Welfare, baby! Free-loadin’ off sociey until kingdom come!
Then she walked away. Ah, I love my ability to silence people…
So later on, I get home and am informed that, in a desperate plea for help, the ho-bag e-mailed MY MOM.

My mother (as she does with all other e-mail from school) said


and we went about our day.

Problem solved; back to doing nothing.

Well, I’ve gotta go play some Wii, so I’ll talk to you all later!

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

Desolation Row

You know what I hate? Being on time. I’d almost much rather be late everywhere, because most places I don’t want to be at in the first place. Take school for example: I don’t want to be there, much less for the full time I have to be there. What’s worse than showing up when you’re supposed to? People who get mad at you for showing up late and won’t take your excuses even though it took you at least three entire minutes to think it up.

Like today I was late for English and when asked why, I simply said I was “busy”. Why do people have to question me? I mean, if I’m busy, then that’s that. Besides, what’s the difference between sitting in class doing nothing and roaming the hallways? At least if I’m walking around I’ll be getting some amount of exercise for once.

And I hate when I try to bullshit my way into getting an admit slip after fucking around for a half-hour and the stupid people have to write the time on it. Obviously I’m not interested in going to class, hence the reason I came to talk about “homework”. Ask yourself, when was the last time I actually did my homework?! Oh, right! Never! So why would I suddenly have to blow off class just to discuss something that’s never going to happen? I wouldn’t! I’m blowing smoke up your ass because I’m fucking lazy and hate math class. Now stop writing the time on your pass back so I can continue to ditch for the rest of the period while still having an excuse!

People will just never understand the need for me to not be at school. Truancy, here I come!

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

Coming Undone

Well, I’ve got some very bad news and some semi-okay news. Which do you want to hear first?

Here’s the bad news:

I’ve got school tomorrow. After having almost an entire week off for all the festivities (or lack there of) I get to go back and sit in a stupid desk, listen to seven teachers go on about nothing, and wish every second that I would have gotten hit by a bus that morning instead of having to go through such hell. FML.

Honestly, karma has a thing for me. I’m such a good person and yet I still have to suffer?!

The semi-decent news is that I finally have somewhat of a plan to move out, and maybe, just maybe, I won’t have to put up with this day to day awfulness in my life anymore. Here’s to hoping?

This is my basic budget:

Basically my friend and I plan on getting jobs, moving out by mid-June, and living on this budget until we climb the social ladder and actually get real high-paying salaries and can afford to live in a better part of town with a not-so-crappy car. Again, this is all just me hoping against hope with some sort of layout to comfort me while I enter the unknown (wow, that sounds deep).

Anyways, it’s 11:11 (make a wish!) and I have to get up at the crack of dawn to go sit in the burning pits of Satan’s realm for the better part of the day, so I’m gonna go. Just wanted to update and let you all know that I’m still physically alive (mentally, not so much).

Hope everyone had an [insert adjective here] Thanksgiving!!

Don’t I look happy! 😛

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

PS.: How do you like the new layout and header?! Made it all myself and it’s probably going to be the one that takes us out of November. 🙂


My day has been…well, I’ll put it like this:

7:20AM – Wake up late, rush to get ready.

7:44AM – Barely make it to the bus on time, forced to sit in crappy seat.

8:10AM – Finally at school, had some old lady yell in my face about what a “wonderful” morning it was.

8:35AM – Had to go to class, which is actually credit recovery, and it’s boring as sin.

11:20AM-ish – Sitting in English class minding my own business when the teacher randomly attacks me for not listening to his boring speech about books or whatever he was going on about.

12:30PM-ish – Had to eat nasty school food which tastes like barf and dead people.

2:40PM-ish – Told that we have to turn in work that I totally didn’t do and that missing Friday’s class was no excuse because…well, I kind of tuned out at that point; don’t really know what he said…

3-3:50PM – Translated French crap while being forced to say stupid poems about boy scouts and autumn to raise my grade.

3:50-4:30PM – Had to ride the stupid bus again with some ugly chick sitting in my seat complaining that Underoath’s music is “too loud” and asking if I could “turn it down”. Hmm, let me think about that: You sat in my seat, have been complaining about sitting in my seat, and are now asking me if I could “turn down” the greatest band in the history of awesome. Yeah, I’m gonna go with a no on that one. Kthxbai.

4:35PM: Walk through the door and get greeted by my lovely brother who had stayed home today asking me to make dinner. “Oh, hey! I know I’ve done nothing but sit on my ass all day playing videos games and was asked six hours in advance to start dinner, but could you do it? I realize that you just got home and all and have probably worked hard, but oh well. What’s that?! Consideration for other people?! Yeah, count me out! You’re a funny one!”

4:35-6:00PM – Attempting to make dinner while and trying to please a four-year-old at the same time. “Lindsay, can you put on cartoons? Yeah, I know you’re busy but I want cartoons right now. Patience? Um, yeah…I don’t think so. *Proceeds to cry*”

6-6:30PM – Cleaned the entire house because someone was too lazy to get up and do anything in his entire 8 hours of sitting around.

6:40PM – Parentals finally come home and inform me that since Nick (my brother) didn’t start dinner when he was supposed to, it wouldn’t be done in time for anyone to eat so we should just make our own food.

7:00PM – Finally decided to make some noodles because noodles are awesome. Ate them and went up stairs.

7-7:20PM-ish – Check Facebook and other daily internet hideouts as a means to relieve stress.

7:30PM – Stumble upon Lacey’s message on their Facebook that finally reveals that she is, in fact, pregnant. So happy for them, by the way. They’re going to be amazing parents. 🙂

7:35-7:55PM-ish – Cry my eyes out at this wonderful news and exclaim how incredibly excited I am for them.

8-8:30PM – Start writing this blog while stumbling back and forth between Youtube and Twitter.

And here I am now. So in the past 24 hours I’ve experienced more bliss than is imaginable and also great disappointment, anger, and annoyance. Don’t know how to feel about any of it really; the day’s been chaotic.

Wouldn’t mind a nap right now. Somehow the entire house managed to magically clean itself once again in the time I was actually home. Funny how I’ve spent a little less than four hours in my own home and I’ve just now started to enjoy them. Fantastic.

Well, I guess I’ll go find a TV to sit in front of and possibly force Jake out of my room without killing myself. One can only dream, right? ;P

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

Some Sense of Security

Complaint time? Yes, indeed, my friends, it’s that time again.

Complaint number one: Bitches. Total fucking bitches.

So there’s this one chick (who we’ll refer to as “bitch face”) that happens to go to my school and well…she’s a total bitch. She thinks she owns the world and as a result, everyone else who doesn’t look, act, breathe, and live their life exactly as she does is considered a black sheep in her little bitch world of bitchiness. There’s ton of people like her in our school (it’s a big cesspool of AIDS, Hepatitis, and whore-faces), but she stands out the most only because she’s decided to mess entirely with the wrong person, i.e. me.

Alright, so long story short, me and bitch-face were on the same soccer team last year (which as you can recall, didn’t work out so well). One thing that you have to know about me is that I take about 2% of life seriously, if that. Soccer didn’t make that cut. Bitch face takes about 98% of things seriously, so from the moment her bitchy ass stepped on the field with me, we were in total noncompliance. I tried so fucking hard to tolerate everyone “for the sake of the team” and yet she still completely destroyed every chance of us ever getting along just because she was such a huge bitch.

Now we’re in the same English class, which, fine, I let go of everything that happened previously because, let’s face it, I have enough shit on my plate to deal with besides some fucking skank obsessing over herself. I thought that maybe we could all grow up and maybe…I don’t know? Get the hell over ourselves? But no. Bitch face is determined to drag me through hell once again because Mommy and Daddy didn’t love her enough as a child.

So she’s mad at me because I may or may not have stolen a jacket from the coach and refused to give it back and decided that I’d wear it one day because it was cold as a mother out and she saw me and now is all butthurt that I may or may not have a jacket when she turned her’s in last year. Boo-fucking-hoo. She’s apparently made it her personal mission to get this jacket back because I guess she’s just so fucking in love with me that if my clothing doesn’t get into her hands within the next week, she’s just going to die. Now I’d give the jacket back if I was perhaps asked nicely and wasn’t freezing my nips off, but since snooty little skank face had to be such a horrendous bitch about it, I guess she can just burn in hell (or this case freeze?).

Fucking suck it, bitch!

Complaint number deuce: Principals follow me to class because they’re fucking douche bags.

So I might have engaged in some naughty behavior known as ditching class because I just don’t give a fuck anymore, and that happens to qualify as grounds for having three teachers walk you to every class to make sure you show up. Number one, I skipped class like what? Three times this year? Just because I was truant last year and following the same trend this year doesn’t mean I’m automatically a “problem child”.

Plus, as if it’s not bad enough having to be walked to class like a fucking two-year-old, I’ve been in the office seven times just this week because *gasp* I’m failing! OH HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS, CALL THE POLICE! Didn’t we already have this conversation last year? I don’t give a shit whether I have a sixty or a six; I want to go home. Yes, maybe I’ll end up homeless working at McDonald’s for a living, but that’s my problem. You tried, you failed, you’ll always fail, and if things suck for the rest of my life, well, fuck me. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I fucking feel like it.

Well, now that I’m insanely pissed off because people are asses, I guess I’ll go and break something in spite of my rage because I’m such a horrible person.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

A is for Apathy

Totally resenting and praising life at the same time tonight!

The bad news:


Number one, the counselors are as useful as piece of chewing gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe. I’ve been trying to change my schedule to get out of a few classes for two months now. Every time I even go in to see if someone’s available, they’re at a “meeting” or they’re “busy” with something else. How many meetings do you need to attend to learn how to not help someone? And how can they possibly be busy?! Busy with being lazy, doing nothing, Tweeting, etc? They’ve never once shown any kind of assistance to me other than to tell me to suck it up and get over it.

Like last Friday, the counselor (who finally found it in her oh-so-hectic schedule to spare me ten minutes of her life) told me that she was going to a meeting and would ask about me changing classes. So fine, I walked out of her office feeling satisfied and thought that everything would be worked out. WRONG. I go back to her Monday (she specifically told me to come in that day) and she then goes into her whole “Oh, no, the meeting’s Tuesday! You have the wrong day!” speech and nothing gets done. Okay, so that pissed me off. I know for a fact she told me to come in Monday because I wrote it down the second she told me.

Well, whatever. I thought, alright, no big deal. Fast forward to Tuesday and I’m back at her office again. But wait…the next day is just too convenient! She decides that she’ll just take a day off, no questions asked. No, it’s fine! Because I totally haven’t been stuck in a class I don’t need to be in for three months wasting my time with you being the only hope I have of getting out of it. Why don’t you just take the rest of the grading period off while you’re at it! >:|

I go there Wednesday and she finally decides to show up, but is she helpful in anyway?! OF COURSE NOT! That’d actually be doing her job! She says that the meeting was pushed to Thursday. Oh, that’s just super. Now not only can I not ask you tomorrow, but now I get to wait until Friday! That’s just great. Some people really need to get hit by a bus.

Okay, so speaking of Friday, it’s also where my personal hell (school) gets to come home with me!

I get to take one of these mechanical bastards over the weekend:

It’s RealCare baby and it’s just like a real baby. Oh, goody! Because I totally don’t already have a four-year-old running around the house like a banshee everyday, it’s completely obvious that I need one of these too! It laughs, it cries, it screams; it even pees. What would I possibly do without something so annoying interrupting my Halloween weekend? Fucking terrific.

Well, anywho, how do you like the layout? It’s kind of a Poltergeist meets Underoath kind of theme, so hope you enjoy it and it’s blueness.


My mom is back from Oklahoma, which I guess could be considered good and/or bad news depending on how you look at it. I’m counting it as good because she brought pictures!

More pictures here.

I’m also super excited because Powerman 5000 is playing here tomorrow! They opened for Flyleaf and Three Days Grace back in May, so I’m completely stoked to see them headlining. They’re kind of a weird band, but if you can get into them they’re actually pretty amazing. Join me, please! I do believe they’re at Emo’s this time, so make sure you come!

Other than that, here’s some pictures from random shows I’ve gone to this month:



Okay, I figure this blog is long enough so I’ll stop there. More pictures to come!

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

Are We Having Fun Yet?!

My day was very…interesting.

It started out as its typical suckishness usually does (waking up at the crack of dawn, sitting in a building with a bunch of morons, doing stupid work, etc), then surprisingly got more suckish as the day progressed! I know right?! How could something so awful as my daily life get any worse? Well, it did!

I had to go to some stupid parent-teacher conference (which is basically where they stick a bunch of people who have a conspiracy against you in the same room, bring up anything and everything you’ve ever done wrong, then persecute you to the fullest degree while screaming at you for being such a failure), and we just had to talk about me failing chemistry, hence the reason my day got entirely dreadful all too quickly.

Okay, so long story short, I have like a 20 in chemistry (probably less than that actually), and like any brainwashed parent of this soul-sucking hell known as the school system, my mom wasn’t happy about it (which she would have never known in the first place if they wouldn’t have invited her to the stupid school to begin with (just another reason I hate them)). So then my mom gets mad at me and starts screaming like the world’s gonna end, so of course I yell back and we ended up getting into a huge fight in the middle of the highway (we were still in the car; not even home and we’re still going berserk!). Well, anywho, I get pissed to the point where I no longer want to be around her and decide to get out of the car and walk to Wal-Mart (which was substantially better than dealing with my mother). So I stayed there for about an hour and filled out a couple credit card applications with my parents’ names on them just to be sure they’d have a nice bill to remember me by. 😉

Anyways, after reading almost every magazine in the store (there were like three articles calling Amber from Teen Mom a horrible mother, hahaha) and eating my weight in free samples from the deli, I finally got bored and went to my friend’s house. Well, little did I know that her mom had called my house and after like 15 minutes, my mom showed up and wanted me to come home.

Now I’m going to stop right there and go in another rant direction for just a second:

What the fuck?! I come to your house, desperate, saying I don’t want to even acknowledge my mother’s existence, and you have the audacity to go and call her? Never seeking refuge there again! Obviously I need to get my act together. I thought I’d be ready to leave when something like this happened (this was a long time coming; not spur of the moment). I have all my resources (people to call, places to go, etc), but it was all on my computer and I didn’t really have access to it! 😐

Anywho, back on topic:

My mom and I talked on the way home and I basically broke down and told her that I didn’t want to live with her anymore, that the two of us were just not compatible in the least bit and that if I continued to go about this hectic life the way I had, I wouldn’t make it.

I’m not being melodramatic. I am very serious when I say that if my life does not change, I will literally die. I have too much sitting on top of me right now. I have so many people just taking every piece of the me and soon there’s not going to be anything left. I’m strong. You guys know how absolutely strong I am. I’m not one to just let myself be torn apart so easily, but I’m about to break. It’s too much, too soon and my parents are not making this any easier.

So I don’t know what to do. Again I’m stuck between a rock and hard place with no where to go. Woo-hoo. -.-

It’s essential that I get my own place as soon I can. The thing is, I’m broke and obviously my parents won’t give me money to leave them so my only choice is getting a job, which wouldn’t be so damn hard if someone would just fucking hire me (I’m not as fucking retarded as you seem to think I am you stupid bitches!). Like I said in my last post, I have the resources, now all I need is money.

I’m looking into emancipation yet again, so maybe, quite possibly, I’ll be able to lighten this pressure on me and gain back some of my basic human rights. It’s something to look forward to, right?

Eh, I’m listening to a lot of Nickelback and Underoath, and they’ve given me that “It’s all worth reaching for” type attitude. Should get some Paramore rockin’ through my ears; they always cheer me up.

Well, I don’t know. Here’s to making my life better and if I find anything relatively interesting, I’ll post it here.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

PS.: I’m on Deviantart now so you should befriend me or whatever you do on there. It’s pretty much the same art I had on Myspace, but I assume I’ll be putting new things on there soon so whatever.

If I Should Die Before I Wake…

I’d be like HALLELUJAH! Because right now I feel like crap.

Anything that could be wrong with a person is wrong with me. My head, stomach, ribs, arms, legs, everything hurts right now. I can’t breathe properly to save my life, and God forbid my sinuses allowed any sort of normalcy. I’m falling apart.

My immune system sucks so much. Any little virus comes around and I’m on bed rest for two weeks (or should be, at least). And yet I still have to go to school tomorrow. FML. And they keep sending me letters about more Saturday detention and going on Happy Trails Days. Right now the only thing that that’s encouraging me to do is skip school and stay home for the rest of my life.

I mean really, I go to school five days a week, excuse the few days that my body chooses to die on me, and still I’m being punished. Yeah, it’s my fault that the flu chose me as a victim, totally. It’s not like I’m ditching class and getting high behind Taco Bell or something. Jesus Christ. I’m so f***ing sick of everyone being in my business.

My parents are constantly on me about my grades, my teachers all think I’m crazy, counselors always think I’m in some emotional turmoil, and I swear to God if that principal says one more word about how I’m some lazy, irresponsible trash, I’m going to slap her. Like she has the right to judge me. Look lady, you don’t know a single thing about me, so for you to just sit there and assume things about my life is ridiculous. How ignorant can you be?

I just wish I could live my life without someone always wanting more. Here’s my 110% and that’s all I can give. Get off my case.

Even today, I had to take a huge test for three hours, waste another two doing nothing because I couldn’t leave, then sit through photojournalism, French, and math. Because, you know, Heaven forbid I miss a day of x to the ba-jillions power times four to square root of nine thousand. What a tragedy that’d be.

I have literally been coughing non-stop today. I take a breath, cough, move, cough, do anything, cough. I would love for someone to come and kill me right now. Any takers?

Well, much love to all of you guys. Life sucks, I guess we all just have to suck it up because what else can we do? Game over, dudes. The Man wins.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

Oh, and if you need a list of songs to help you through this sucky patch of life, I’ve been listening to:

Carolina Liar – Show Me What I’m Looking For
Anberlin – Breathe

And this kick-ass song from Coraline:

Haiti, Hobbits, Friends, Flyleaf, Coaches, Cups, and Stupid Science Olympiad.

Hey all. ‘Sup? I’m just here, being bored (as usual). 😀

I figured this lovely [insert day of the week here (I have no idea)] would be perfect for our lovely complaints, first starting off with none other than the second biggest news story, HAITI! And you’re probably all wondering “Second? What?”. Well, yes, second. And do you want to know why it’s second? It could only be one thing…that thing being? Tiger Woods going to sex rehab! Because what’s more important than Tiger Woods, right? Who doesn’t love a good round of golf? And even better, who doesn’t love a round of golf with a total douche who’s slept with 98% of the female race? Ah, yes.

So, back to Haiti. All the social networking sights (even Youtube! The Google fascists aren’t so bad after all!) are posting links to help. So, I should urge you all to do that. Because you all know how much I worship the internet, and if it’s not Disney-related or completely gey, I listen. 😀 So, yeah. Help a fellow Hansiain and drop some cash on their little island-village.

Moving on, have you noticed an increased rate of hobbits lately? It seems everywhere I look there’s a freakishly tall person and a little midget not far behind. Geez. First we have freakish island-quakes and now increased hobbitry? What has the world come to?

And third: I’m getting fixed over friends (No, you perv). I miss my friends that I left behind so much. I really hope they’re able to visit soon. :C But, really, I’m just aggravated with my friends now. Not aggravated, just sort of…sick of them? I don’t know. I just feel like we’re always talking about the same things, doing the same things, being the same. I just want to hang out with people who are semi-normal for a change. They’re suffocating me. But, it’s not like I want to just leave them completely and be by myself, I just want more of a variety I guess. All the people I hang out with are so alike. It’s like constantly being around the same person, yet they’re in a different body. It’s so annoying. Just stop being weird for 5 minutes! And get your own personalities! I’m tired of being around nut-cases who all think alike. It’s getting old, people.

But fourth, one of my favoritest things ever: FLYLEAF! 😀 They’re making a new video for “Missing”! Already 16 hours in, too! Well, probably more by now, that was just their last update on Facebook. Look at these awesome pictures:

(Pictures here).

Oh, how I love their fake mustaches! And Lacey’s dress is pwnful. Very wicked. James is hot, as always. ^_^ And of course Pat is just as hardcore (if not more) than he always is. All in all, it looks very cool. Sort of like a rock n’ roll Titanic meets Flyleaf. I can’t wait to see the whole thing! It should be up soon. Just be sure to look at Flyleaf Online, Flyleaf Music, and of course their Myspace. And it’s totally not too late (never too late) to join the street team! [Don’t join the fanclub (Passerby Army), it sucks].

Fifth Topic, yeah! (Sing it like the 12 days of Christmas, it sounds cool). xD Anywho, are fifth subject if my stupid ex-soccer coach. My friend, who’s still on the team, hasn’t even been allowed to play for more than 2 minutes in all 5 games! Not 2 minutes per game, 2 minutes in one game. The rest of the time she’s been sitting on the bench, practically begging the coach to let her go in. And what does the coach do? Oh, of course she ignores her and says “Varsity players don’t ask to play”. Well, what do your precious little varsity players do? Ride the bench? That’s real nice, completely. She goes to every practice, comes to every game, even has her parents go to every game, and still she’s not allowed to play! It’s so unfair. And when she asked why she wasn’t playing, the stupid douche told her it was because she’s a freshman. Yeah, that makes total sense. Because three other freshman are playing. Right. And since when has grade determined you soccer ability? God, I swear. That woman is so stupid. She deserves the epic fail of the year award.

And sixth: I hate sippy-cups. First, you have to find all the pieces. The cup, the lid, the rubber ring that goes in the top, and the other piece of rubber that goes in the two holes, so it doesn’t spill out of the other side. Then, you have to assemble them, You have to stick the little rubber ring in the lid, in it’s exact spot, because it you don’t, the cup leaks and gets on everything. Next, you have to put the lid on the cup, and god damn that little ring, because if it’s not perfectly situated, the lid won’t go on right, thus making leaking and spills inevitable. So you get the cup all ready, with the drink inside, and expect the kid to just be happy. Oh, no. They don’t want juice, they want milk. So you have to take everything apart, rinse it, put it all back together, and then give it back. And God forbid you happen to forget one piece of the puzzle and the damn thing tips over, because then you’re left with a huge Grape Juice stain on your new couch. Lovely. Screw you, Gerber.

And seventh and our final complaint: The stupid “Science Olympiad”. Oh, sweet Jesus, have mercy on my soul. This test was the biggest waste of time EVER. After doing at least 10 hours of work for this stupid “competition”, I walked around the school for another half-hour looking for my stupid teacher, who said she’d be there, and finally ran into another teacher who was giving the test, as well. So this new teacher tells us all to go to the lecture hall. We sit their for another half-hour or so, then he finally arrived with the actual test, and we all went inside. Well, I’m just sitting there, and he’s handing out everyone else’s test, but he doesn’t give me mine. So I tell ’em, and apparently, he just totally forgot about my unit completely. He goes to make copies of more tests, and I wait for another hour in the lecture hall. My brother finished his in 10 minutes and left to go be with his friends. I wait another half-hour and the teacher finally comes back. He gives everyone else, except my unit, a test, and leaves again. So, I’m waiting, waiting, waiting for at least another half-hour, and he finally gives me a test! So I start reading it, and realize that the test is so incredibly stupid, that I would have rather lit myself on fire and jumped out of a 10-story window than put my name on it. I had to identify 50 different “unknown” substances from stupid little clues like “Solid white powder”. Okay, great. Except that on my paper, you had the choice between Sugar, Salt, Flour, Baking Soda, and a whole bunch of other random white powders to choose from. So how is anyone supposed to know?! I guessed on all of them, and then moved on to the next section. This section was relatively easy, considering all you had to do was check off some people and choose which one matched the description (My unit was forensics). The only thing that bothered me about that was the names. Stupid crap like “Am I. Gilltie” Or “Robyn U. Blind”. God, teachers so fail at life. >.> So after I finish the stupid hour-long test, I turn it in and finally get to go home. Stupidest, most colossal waste of life, ever. 5 hours and most likely disappointing results to follow. Great.

Anyways, I gotta go do stuff. Woo-hoo for French homework. >.< Do you know that we pretty much get no time to ourselves each day? 24 hours in a day, 10 is spent sleeping (or if you're me, trying to kill your insomnia so you can sleep), 7 is spent at school. That's 17 hours of time that we have no control over. 7 hours left. Minus 2 hours for homework, that's 5. Take off another 2 for stupid after-school functions and you're left with a wopping 3 hours to yourself each day. Congrats.

Much love and hate.
§Rainbows & Skeletons§

PS.: Hinting at something exciting, one of my stalkers is moving tomorrow! Yes, oh, yes! I’m elated. I hope he gets hit by a car! 😀

The ending of winter break and freedom

Oh, crap. Winter break ends today, which means at the crack of dawn tomorrow, I’ll be on my way to hell, wishing my life would end in some tragic bus accident. *sigh*

I hope my school catches on fire tonight and burns to the ground. That way no one would have to go and we could all just stay home and do nothing. Or it could flood. Shoot, I don’t care if leprechauns invade the place and turn it into a bagel factory. As long as I don’t have to go.

Maybe I should invent a weather machine and make the town freeze over each day so we couldn’t go. My God, FML. I don’t wanna go.

Here, I’ll write a poem about how much I hate it:

“I’m sick of sitting in this boring classroom,
Asking permission just to use the bathroom.
It’s only nine? That must be some sick joke.
Please tell me that the classroom clock is broke.

I never asked for social education.
Why should I care about some foreign nation?
What will I ever use your higher math for?
I’d rather just walk out of that door.

Kids need to be allowed to run amok,
To play outside in the sun instead of being stuck,
In a classroom feeling out of luck.
All I ever learned in school is that school sucks.

Memorizing facts is such a bore.
Isn’t that what the internet is for?
Even if I studied like a geek,
All the experts would just change their mind next week.

So why worship your pursuit of knowledge?
Just to get into a better college?
Another classroom where I’ll waste my days,
The only difference is they’ll make me pay.”

§Rainbows & Skeletons§