Wake Me Up When September Ends

Two things to bitch about tonight. Don’t feel like giving a proper introduction so I’m just gonna jump right in:

The first, not being able to get a job: So I had made arrangements to have a phone interview at 8PM tonight, to be a part-time nanny. This job would be perfect for me since it’s mostly in the evening (meaning I can get Jake to and from school, and still have time for art and whatnot) and it’s working with children, which come on, I’ve pretty much got that down. “But Rainbows, you hate kids!” Yes, okay. I’m not fond of children, but let’s face it, anyone with half a brain can take care of kids because they’re essentially dumb fucks, and since they’re not my kids, they’ll actually listen to me. So, yeah this job would be amazing.

But as always, any time something good comes my way, it’s of course ripped out of my hands and stomped into the ground just like all my other hopes and dreams. I called for the interview, and low and behold, no one answered! I even tried again at 9PM, and still no answer…THE DEEPEST OF SIGHS. I can’t even tell you how disappointing this is.

Do you know, do you even have ANY idea how many job applications I have filled out. Since my birthday (literally, I was filling out job applications ON MY BIRTHDAY), I’ve filled out two apps for Wal-Mart, FOUR for Starbucks, three for Fitness 19, two for some Asian nail salon (I am actually that desperate!) and at least 20 more for other local businesses around here (including both What-A-Burger and Taco Cabana, which if you know me, you’ll know I HATE working with food). NOT ONE MOTHERFUCKING CALL FROM ANYBODY.

Sometimes I wonder why I even get out of bed.

Second topic, Jake and his motherfucking school supplies. This pisses me off!

Before kindergarten began, I bought Jake a plethora of school supplies. Crayons, markers, glue, pencils, etc. On the first day, the teacher apparently “collected” (or I’d say, “stole”) all of his and the rest of the kids’ who brought supplies and placed them in a giant tub to be a “class set”. Right there, I’m pissed off.

I didn’t buy school supplies for his class. I didn’t buy markers for impoverished Sally, and I didn’t buy glue sticks for poor ass Johnny. I bought school supplies for Jake, because HE’S my responsibility. It’s not my job to make sure all the other kids have their shit together. If their parents can’t afford some 50¢ box of crayons, then maybe they should re-evaluate their lives and get some priorities in order. I’m unemployed and yet Jake still has all his shit!

It pisses me off that Jake has homework that requires scissors and glue, yet when I go in his bookbag to find it, I learn that little Susy instead has all his shit. Why should I have to buy stuff not only for his class, but then re-buy everything so he has something to use at home?! I don’t mind the occasional box of tissues for the class, but we’re talking $50 worth of shit that Jake can no longer use because it’s going some other little dipshit.

That’s why I hate kids. I can stand Jake, but just the image of those snot-nose little bastard using his Crayolas makes me want to punch them all right in the face. I already pay taxes that apparently goes towards “education”, but I guess not a dime could be spent on getting the kindergardeners their own damn gluesticks? What a fucking joke.

Ugh, /end rant. I’m going to bed.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§