I Won’t Cross These Streets Until You Hold My Hand

Every single day I just lose more and more hope in humanity. It seems like no one cares about anyone but themselves anymore. It’s so upsetting.

A couple days ago, I was on my way home from school when I saw this little girl just walking down the street all by herself, not an adult in sight. I just have to wonder why. Why is this child, not more than three or four, wandering down this busy neighborhood with no one to look after her? Do I need to spell out all the danger she could be in? Pedophiles, bad drivers, anything! And who would know? Not a soul. She’d be found face down in a ditch on the side of a highway and no one would even know what had happened.

Then today as I was walking home from the store, I see another little girl, probably about six or seven. This child was again riding her bike all alone in the middle of the street, wearing none other than a Hooter’s shirt.

Where are these kids’ parents? How many of our children need to be raped, killed, found dead before we start to realize that things need to change? It’s not fair that we never even give these children a chance.

I’m not even a parent, but having Jake puts more than enough will in me to make this world a better place. I don’t fear for myself anymore, I fear for him. He is the only one I’d ever take a bullet for. No one could be more important in my life than him, no one.

He might be a pain sometimes, but he can just be so sweet. How could I not sacrifice everything of mine for him? Last night I was looking at him, looking into his beautiful, blue eyes and I could have cried. He’s so precious.

The thing is, I have these feelings for a child that’s not even mine. I’d die for him, I would. So it just bemuses me that one’s own parents couldn’t have the same feelings of adulation.

I’m not talking about wealth, I’m not talking about anything of the like, not even the physical aspect of it. I cannot bring myself to accept that people could look into a child’s face and not make that instant emotional connection. For me, I loved my little brother before he was even born. I remember just sitting on the bed with my mother and feeling him. Feeling his heartbeat. Feeling his undeniable love.

I understand that being a parent is a selfless thing, I do. Even being a sibling takes the life out of you. But the bliss is always there. Even when I’m about ready to kill everyone, I can still comprehend the sense of love. I can still see that Jacob is the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be, and that without him, without these miracles, there’d be no point to this life.

So why then? Why do people let these tragedies happen? That will be a question I’ll be asking until the day I die. I get that there are monsters out there, that there are mental disorders that people cannot help, sure. But when people can just toss a helpless infant into the trash and not perceive remorse, that I can’t handle. I will always feign confusion for these children.

Please, God dammit, for the future of our planet, do not have kids unless you are ready to give up absolutely EVERYTHING for the life of your child. Unless you are fully prepared to let go of the life you are living completely, do not even consider giving birth. Also, turn off your Myspace, Facebook, everything. Turn off the TV and RAISE YOUR KIDS. If you don’t ever give them a light at the end of the tunnel, how the hell can you ever expect them to find their way out?! I’m sick of seeing six-year-old’s on the internet, posting pictures of themselves, where they live, etc. I worry about people finding out my real name, and here they are whoring themselves out, not knowing what kind of danger they’re in. It’s ailing.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§