Brick By Boring Brick

So it turns out that I only have one week left until school starts. Prepare for the layout to be black and depressing red!

This sucks. I thought I had at least three weeks before I had to go back to that hell hole, but it turns out that I have seven measly days of freedom left. I hate this. I don’t want to be cramped in some dumb building for eight hours everyday with at least a thousand people that I absolutely despise.

How is this fair? How is it fair that someone can legally hold you hostage for an entire year, force you to do work, then just get away with it by saying that we’re “learning”? I haven’t learned a damn thing in school, except that I hate most people and 6AM is a horrible hour for awakening.

Well, I figure there isn’t much I can do but bitch, but I can most certainly do this: Here’s ways to cheat, how to annoy teachers, and to just be a general nuisance in the classroom.

Also, my awesometastic friend, HouseholdHacker, has the very latest and greatest ways on school mischief, including cheating, fun science experiments >:D, and of course…HACKING!

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

And on a good note, you can now pre-order Anberlin’s new album from Newbury Comics and get lots of free stuff with it! 🙂

The Last Day I’m Wasting On You

Okay, okay. I know I said I wouldn’t mention it, but really, this is important. IT WAS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!

Oh, finally. I’d thought I never see the day. Seriously, this year dragged on like you wouldn’t believe. And all these people on Myspace and Facebook are all like “OMG, the year went by soooo quick”. Ahem, no it didn’t. I was ready for it to be over in August. Kind of like been there, done that, don’t give a crap.

Bahaha, you know what is funny though? Watching all the 8th graders get all excited about being freshman. Like, sure. You’re going to come in and infiltrate, sure. Yeah, I think we all had the same intentions at once. Long story short, it’s not going to happen.

You’re at the bottom of the food chain. Lowest of the low. And yes, it sucks. Honestly, there are people that go out of their way to hate on freshman. It’s fucking stupid. You’re a senior, grow the hell up. So, yeah. Not gonna lie and say it’s wonderful. Best thing to do is stay clear of the douche bags.

And I hate freshman teachers. The most-said phrase in their class is “welcome to highschool”. And I don’t mean that in a walk-in-the-door-we’re-so-nice-welcome-to-highschool, it’s more or less if you complain about anything you’re bound to get welcomed in with that sarcastic-you’re-below-me type attitude. Like, bitch, I’ve been doing this since I was five, so don’t fuck with me (although I wouldn’t suggest saying that to anyone…).

So basically, this starts your four years of hell. Grow a pair and survive. It fucking sucks.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

And on a side note, I’d just like to say NANANANANA, I’M OUT OF SCHOOL AND YOU GUYS AREN’T! 😀 I’m sorry, I had to rub it in sometime.

Oh, and a new Pure Imagination blog is up now! All about Getting To Know The Kingdom. 🙂

I Won’t Cross These Streets Until You Hold My Hand

Every single day I just lose more and more hope in humanity. It seems like no one cares about anyone but themselves anymore. It’s so upsetting.

A couple days ago, I was on my way home from school when I saw this little girl just walking down the street all by herself, not an adult in sight. I just have to wonder why. Why is this child, not more than three or four, wandering down this busy neighborhood with no one to look after her? Do I need to spell out all the danger she could be in? Pedophiles, bad drivers, anything! And who would know? Not a soul. She’d be found face down in a ditch on the side of a highway and no one would even know what had happened.

Then today as I was walking home from the store, I see another little girl, probably about six or seven. This child was again riding her bike all alone in the middle of the street, wearing none other than a Hooter’s shirt.

Where are these kids’ parents? How many of our children need to be raped, killed, found dead before we start to realize that things need to change? It’s not fair that we never even give these children a chance.

I’m not even a parent, but having Jake puts more than enough will in me to make this world a better place. I don’t fear for myself anymore, I fear for him. He is the only one I’d ever take a bullet for. No one could be more important in my life than him, no one.

He might be a pain sometimes, but he can just be so sweet. How could I not sacrifice everything of mine for him? Last night I was looking at him, looking into his beautiful, blue eyes and I could have cried. He’s so precious.

The thing is, I have these feelings for a child that’s not even mine. I’d die for him, I would. So it just bemuses me that one’s own parents couldn’t have the same feelings of adulation.

I’m not talking about wealth, I’m not talking about anything of the like, not even the physical aspect of it. I cannot bring myself to accept that people could look into a child’s face and not make that instant emotional connection. For me, I loved my little brother before he was even born. I remember just sitting on the bed with my mother and feeling him. Feeling his heartbeat. Feeling his undeniable love.

I understand that being a parent is a selfless thing, I do. Even being a sibling takes the life out of you. But the bliss is always there. Even when I’m about ready to kill everyone, I can still comprehend the sense of love. I can still see that Jacob is the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be, and that without him, without these miracles, there’d be no point to this life.

So why then? Why do people let these tragedies happen? That will be a question I’ll be asking until the day I die. I get that there are monsters out there, that there are mental disorders that people cannot help, sure. But when people can just toss a helpless infant into the trash and not perceive remorse, that I can’t handle. I will always feign confusion for these children.

Please, God dammit, for the future of our planet, do not have kids unless you are ready to give up absolutely EVERYTHING for the life of your child. Unless you are fully prepared to let go of the life you are living completely, do not even consider giving birth. Also, turn off your Myspace, Facebook, everything. Turn off the TV and RAISE YOUR KIDS. If you don’t ever give them a light at the end of the tunnel, how the hell can you ever expect them to find their way out?! I’m sick of seeing six-year-old’s on the internet, posting pictures of themselves, where they live, etc. I worry about people finding out my real name, and here they are whoring themselves out, not knowing what kind of danger they’re in. It’s ailing.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

It’s complaint time.

You know what really grinds my gears?

People in bands, who enjoy their music just a little too much. I can understand liking your music and getting into the performance when you’re on stage, but you have to at least try to realize that you completely and utterly suck, and that if you’re actually enjoying your suckish-ness on stage, you have a problem.

Yesterday, we went to see this band called “Eleven Fingered Charlie” (Needless to say, that name is beyond stupid). These losers got on stage and started playing this crappy song about recycling. RECYCLING. Their douche bag guitarist (AKA This Reject) was dancing around, acting like they were the shiz or something, while this r-tard “rocked out” on his sax pretending he’s the next big thing or something. And, when their Earth-lover of a lead singer wasn’t talking about saving the starving dolphins in the rain forest, he was singing about going to an abandoned road and picking up trash. What a loser! Oh, and let’s not forget about Same-Beat-Dead-Beat-Drummer, back there. I swear, an f-ing rock could literally pick up some sticks and instantly be better than this moron. He sucked!

And in the course of their solid horrible-ness, they managed to completely ignore the lack of audience, the number of people leaving, song after song, and they were still able to pretend that they were actually something good and fantastic, thanks to douche bag guitarist number one, who was living in his own world, pretending he’s Kurt Cobain. Life must be great when you have no idea that you’re awful, your music is awful, and that you just being on this planet makes people just a little more curious about death. In the words of Evanescence (TRUE musicians), “No flaws when you’re pretending”.

EFC, you SUCK are complete failures! But, I must congratulate you, everyone of your songs was ear-stabbing worthy…Maybe because they all sound exactly the same…?

Consider yourself Rainbow & Skeletonized, officially by me. Down with EFC!

§R & S§

Earth Day – You’re All Retarded.

Nobody gives a fuck about mother nature anyways. Why should I have to plant fucking trees and turn off my lights just so some losers can brag about harassing people for the whole day?

Haven’t people ever thought about what OTHERS could do? Like, for instance, how about people stop launching their nuclear bombs everywhere? I think a bomb is WAY hotter then all the freaking light bulbs in my house COMBINED.

And Earth Minute is just as retarded. It’s going to take more energy to turn all the lights back on then it’s going to save turning them off. People should start using some common sense and STOP being tortured by a bunch of hippies. For God’s sake, get a life already.

As for “global warming”, it’s snowing in APRIL. If anything “global” is happening, it’s freezing. So stop being a douche bag and drive your car to unnecessary places for the hell of it, cut down a bunch of trees just because you can, and keep the lights and TV on when you leave your house. Also, when you brush your teeth, make sure the water is on until you’re done.

Thank you,

From the people who really do care.

The school system sucks.

I swear if the school system does something useful for a change it would be a miracle.


only are we not allowed to eat or drink because of certain n00bs, but
now we have assigned seats. We get the blame for other idiots’ screw
ups, even though it’s the stupid 6th an 7th graders fault. Us elder kids (there’s
only 4 of us, but still) get to share one idiots punishment and we didn’t even
do anything. If one person screws up, that screws up everybody else, as
well. Just kick them the hell off the bus if you wont take care
of it. It’s as easy as giving away babies like Ipods.


have these other n00bs that try to impress our Math teacher, who is a
grown man, like they have a chance with him. Not to mention they are
like 13 or 14 and they’re fat as hell, too. They wear short-shorts and trip over bath tubs and trash cans, all in the attempt to seduce him.


The teachers don’t know a single thing about anything, because they’re stupid as hell. They obviously got their teaching degrees off of Ebay, because anybody that retarded probably couldn’t pass the second grade, much less high school and college. Some are even perverted creeps, that look up little girls skirts. Like, ew. No one wants to know about your nasty addictions to child pr0n, okay?


These people are equally retarded, and don’t know their heads from a hole in the ground. They think ISS and detention is the solution to everything! “Oh, you were late 5 times, for personal reasons, that you don’t want to share, have fun in ISS!” Not to mention the fact that the counselor isn’t even certified. His advice sucks.

Me: “My friend is stealing from me, what do I do?”
Unfortified Counselor: “Just buy a pony and shave it, once a week”
Me: “What?”
Unorthodox Counselor: “Balloons are fun to give away at the grocery store!”

And don’t even get me started on Mr. Mad Eye, AKA the principal. Talking to him is pretty much an insult to anyone’s intelligence. No matter what, every thing he says is right and you’re wrong, so just stop trying, bend over, and take it.

School Sucks.

School Sucks
Current mood: artistic

Okay, let’s try this without swearing.

First Period-Math: The teacher is an absolute moron and does not know his head from a hole in the ground. His class is about as interesting as watching grass grow. I sleep in that class mostly, because the only thing we learn is how to be an idiot, forget everything, and that old people need their coffee in the morning because if they don’t have it they become dull and grouchy.

Second Period-Social Studies: Don’t even get me started with her. I HATE her with a fiery, burning passion of a billion and ten hot, white, burning suns. This fat chick acts like she owns the place and that your not a human until you turn 18. If you’re not 18, good luck not getting beaten like a 5-year-old red-headed German step-child. She gives you tons of homework but does not say anything about it until the next day, and then she gets all mad when no one has it and then she has to do her whole lecture about “promptness, being on time with work, being respectful to other people’s needs, and not lying or cheating.” Oh, and good luck if your under 18 and don’t have your homework, because you’ll probably get beaten like an underage drunken hobo sitting on the side of the street next to Subway.

Third Period-Computer: Mrs. Mouse-I’ve had-Too-Much-Coffee-I-Broke-Out-Of-A-Mental-Institute is sooooo annoying. She sounds like a mouse on helium that has been smoking crack for the last three days, and that’s being generous. She’s always hyper! “Let’s take a test!!!! You wanna take a test??? Were gonna take a test!!!”. God, try to listen to that for an hour and not want to light yourself on fire, fall out of a 20 thousand foot building, and fall in a ditch. I think she needs to give some of that coffee to the math teacher and actually create some balance.

Fourth Period-Gym: I hate this class sooooo much that it’s not even funny! This fat, lazy chick makes us run for 10 minuets straight, outside in the freezing cold, rain or shine. Hell, it does not matter if there is 30 inches of snow on the ground, you better be outside running your 3 miles or you might just die. I might also die if I didn’t take health class, because picking up trash is such great pay back for having teachers tell me that if I get pregnant I will die and that if I have sex I will die and everyone will die and the planet will blow up.

Fifth Period-Science: Let’s learn about water! NO!!!!! No one cares about water, whether it be salt water, fresh water, water from your uncles toilet, or any other kind. No one cares about how fast ice cubes melt in water! And God forbid you don’t wash your hands after class in that precious water, because Ms. Sanitation thinks that if you mess with “chemical water” you will somehow contract an STD and die.

Sixth Period-AIG: The most retarded class ever. For whatever reason my teacher decided to put me in “advanced” literature and it’s sooooo boring. All we do is read and do like second grade grammar worksheets! It’s not even advanced, the the regular literature class is apparently “harder” even though they’re doing the same stuff we are. Mrs. We-Have-To-Read-25/8-Or-We-Will-All-Die-Of-Tuberculosis is afraid that if we don’t read everyday we will somehow acquire Down Syndrom and die. (Is it me, or do all these teachers think we’re going to die?)

Seventh Period-Visual Arts: The boring-est class in the history of boring classes. All you do is learn about psycho people who cut there ears off “for art”. And there are too many retarded projects, no one really cares about the history of are names. Are parents gave them to us and we use them, who cares what country it came from? If you don’t like it, then get it changed when Mrs.You-Better-Be-18-Or-Die says it’s okay. On a scale of 1-10, this class gets a negative 0. (No, that is not possible). And on a scale of 1 being “bag of rocks boring” and 10 being “exciting”, she get’s a “duller than a bag of rocks boring aka -0.” (No, that is not possible, either)

And that, my friends who inhabit myspace, is why school sucks.