You can think of me when you forget your seatbelt…

And again when your head goes through the windshield.

Aw, and you guys thought I was getting soft on you. Ha. Think again.

No, I’m actually here to talk about ridding the world of people. That’s right, me and my awesomeness have discovered a way to rid the world of it’s problems, simply by killing a few billion people. 🙂

Well, all of this started today in geography when I was taking his stupid test and I noticed a graph of the world’s predicted population in 2050. My darlings, there are too many people on this planet now, think about forty years from now. Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Thus my amazing plan comes into place and takes care of it all. I’m so selfless; spending a whole twenty minutes to save everyone from a world of grief…

Anywho, my first order of business would be determining who lives and who dies. All violent criminals and pedophiles are automatically gone. No ifs, ands, or buts. Gone. Instantly. Think about it, if there’s (according to Google) 6,697,254,041 people in the world and we’ll say 10 million violent criminals and pedophiles. Kill them off and we’re left with only 6,687,254,041 people.

Next, we get rid of all old people. So how many oldies are out there? Maybe seven million? Take them off the map and we’re left with 6,680,254,041 people. Now if we stop people from having children, that’d be another, we’ll say, 20 billion people off our backs. That would ultimately take care of the entire problem, and we’d be left with…-13,319, 745,959 people.

See? Not only did I reduce the world’s population, I made everyone extinct! I rock at life.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

I Hate Kids

Reasons to hate children:

  • They’re loud.
  • They’re annoying.
  • They talk too much.
  • They laugh when something’s not funny.
  • They whine and complain about everything.
  • They always want what they can’t have.
  • They don’t do anything.
  • They always expect people to do everything for them.
  • They think everything they do it cute, when in reality it’s not.
  • They smell.
  • They’re stupid.
  • They smile like hobbits.
  • They tattle like little assholes.
  • They think they’re “super cool”.
  • They make up piss-poor jokes.
  • They can’t draw for shit (see this blog for why I hate children’s artwork).
  • They cry too much.
  • They ruin lives.
  • They think they can do whatever they want.
  • Their parents just ignore their annoyance.
  • They cry in movie theaters and restaurants.
  • They can’t do anything of importance.
  • They lie.
  • They steal.
  • They steal and then lie about it.
  • They think they deserve rights.
  • They talk back.
  • They always want to have fun.
  • They think they deserve to have fun.
  • They contribute nothing to society.
  • They listen to bad music.
  • They like Disney.
  • They’re always dirty.
  • They refuse to bathe.
  • They’re nose is always running.
  • They wipe their faces on their shirts.
  • They expect you to change and feed them. Those little shits.
  • They’re gross.
  • They’re violent.
  • They talk casually about their privates when everyone else is trying to be civilized.
  • They can’t dress themselves.
  • They mispronounce everything. It’s “pillow” not “phiillllphh”, you douche.
  • They can’t take being insulted.
  • They have too much time on their hands.
  • They try to act older than they really are.
  • They always want attention.
  • They never pay attention.
  • They interrupt everything.
  • They always want something.
  • They never say “please” or “thank you”.
  • They’re irresponsible.
  • They spill everything.
  • They make people fat.
  • They never listen (did I already say that?)
  • They pee on everything.
  • They have more germs than anyone else on the planet.
  • They like Chuck E. Cheese’s.
  • They ruin furniture.
  • They ruin everything.

And if that’s not enough to convince you…

You’re welcome. 🙂

Seek and you will find they say…

But I’ve been looking everyday
For a way past this wall that’s in front of my face
On my hands and knees searching for my faith

You’ve got me desperate!

I know You here, would You give me a sign?
And reel me in before I’ve fallen in line
You’ve put me on a path I don’t understand
Standing on the ledge waving my hands…

I know, I’m obsessed. 😀

Anywho, my darlings, how do things look? Finally got the new header up. ^_^ I’m actually somewhat proud of this one. I used to hate the other ones. xD

Now for my main point: Why the “Day of Silence” is retarded.

First of all, you’re supposed to celebrate to show support of Child Abuse Awareness. The thing is, no one gives a damn. Even the abused children couldn’t care less if you go silent for an entire day. Do you honestly think that not talking will somehow help any child to not get a beating tonight? No, it won’t. You’ve helped no one. Congrats.

Number two, you have a voice. You have the ability to speak and make your opinion known, yet instead of telling people about the abuse and how to stop it, you chose to spend an entire day sitting in silence like a total retard. Again, no one was helped.

Thirdly, the only reason any of you did this was so you could say that you cared, when in reality none of you actually do. Don’t you think that’s kind of spitting in the face of all abuse victims? To be honest, whether you “celebrated” this day or not doesn’t make a difference to me. But when you pretend to support a cause just for the sake of looking like a better person makes you a really big douche.

I really hate when people sign up for things and support organizations just to make themselves look “holier than thou”. Like when the earthquake in Haiti happened and everyone jumped on the bandwagon to donate money to them. Look, two months later and what’s gotten done? They’ve gotten BILLIONS and still they’re just sitting there in their makeshift huts, pretending as if nothing happened. So you basically just blew a billion dollars for some dirt-poor country to sit on for the rest of time. You’re a genius.

My fourth point is that all of you talked anyways. Even if you did care, you had a piss-poor way of showing it.

So, go you. You wasted an entire day doing nothing, not solving one problem, and pissing a lot of people off. I hope you’re satisfied.

child abuse Pictures, Images and Photos

Let me know when you decide to really care. RIP Kelsey Briggs.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

PS.: RIP all VT students who lost their lives in the 2007 massacre.

I Won’t Cross These Streets Until You Hold My Hand

Every single day I just lose more and more hope in humanity. It seems like no one cares about anyone but themselves anymore. It’s so upsetting.

A couple days ago, I was on my way home from school when I saw this little girl just walking down the street all by herself, not an adult in sight. I just have to wonder why. Why is this child, not more than three or four, wandering down this busy neighborhood with no one to look after her? Do I need to spell out all the danger she could be in? Pedophiles, bad drivers, anything! And who would know? Not a soul. She’d be found face down in a ditch on the side of a highway and no one would even know what had happened.

Then today as I was walking home from the store, I see another little girl, probably about six or seven. This child was again riding her bike all alone in the middle of the street, wearing none other than a Hooter’s shirt.

Where are these kids’ parents? How many of our children need to be raped, killed, found dead before we start to realize that things need to change? It’s not fair that we never even give these children a chance.

I’m not even a parent, but having Jake puts more than enough will in me to make this world a better place. I don’t fear for myself anymore, I fear for him. He is the only one I’d ever take a bullet for. No one could be more important in my life than him, no one.

He might be a pain sometimes, but he can just be so sweet. How could I not sacrifice everything of mine for him? Last night I was looking at him, looking into his beautiful, blue eyes and I could have cried. He’s so precious.

The thing is, I have these feelings for a child that’s not even mine. I’d die for him, I would. So it just bemuses me that one’s own parents couldn’t have the same feelings of adulation.

I’m not talking about wealth, I’m not talking about anything of the like, not even the physical aspect of it. I cannot bring myself to accept that people could look into a child’s face and not make that instant emotional connection. For me, I loved my little brother before he was even born. I remember just sitting on the bed with my mother and feeling him. Feeling his heartbeat. Feeling his undeniable love.

I understand that being a parent is a selfless thing, I do. Even being a sibling takes the life out of you. But the bliss is always there. Even when I’m about ready to kill everyone, I can still comprehend the sense of love. I can still see that Jacob is the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be, and that without him, without these miracles, there’d be no point to this life.

So why then? Why do people let these tragedies happen? That will be a question I’ll be asking until the day I die. I get that there are monsters out there, that there are mental disorders that people cannot help, sure. But when people can just toss a helpless infant into the trash and not perceive remorse, that I can’t handle. I will always feign confusion for these children.

Please, God dammit, for the future of our planet, do not have kids unless you are ready to give up absolutely EVERYTHING for the life of your child. Unless you are fully prepared to let go of the life you are living completely, do not even consider giving birth. Also, turn off your Myspace, Facebook, everything. Turn off the TV and RAISE YOUR KIDS. If you don’t ever give them a light at the end of the tunnel, how the hell can you ever expect them to find their way out?! I’m sick of seeing six-year-old’s on the internet, posting pictures of themselves, where they live, etc. I worry about people finding out my real name, and here they are whoring themselves out, not knowing what kind of danger they’re in. It’s ailing.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

Rape Me.

So, today my mom and I met with my new probation officer. It was horrible.

First of all, this crazy lady wants us to sign this entire stack of papers, further more, she wanted my mother to sign over my medical records, my school records, etc, basically saying that she’ll wave her God-given parental rights over to the court. Number one, why exactly would any parent in their right mind even consider that? You’re the one who’s in control of your kids, not the courts. It’s your job to fight for your children. By signing that paper, you might just as well have signed your child’s life over into someone you don’t know, don’t trust hands’. It’s not right.

Secondly, this lady kept giving “examples” of situations where that information would have been necessary. For instance, she gave a scenario where she’d just happen to find out that I’m “suicidal” or something from the school’s counselor, making it vile to my safety to see a professional. Okay, before I get into the main part of this argument I just have to say this: Why the hell does she get to decide what kind of thoughts I should have? The last time I checked this was a free country. If I want to kill myself, you bet your ass I will. Just because you’re my “probation officer” doesn’t give you the right to tell me what I should think. And also, whatever happened to privacy? It’s illegal for anyone of my doctors (counselors or what have you) to tell you anything about what I say. Ever heard of doctor-patient confidentiality? It’s against the law.

Now back to my other point, why should you be the one to find me help? My parents are more than capable of handling me. After all, they’ve done it for my entire life, yet now we all of a sudden decide that we need outside help? Screw you. Stay out of my life and stop trying to replace my parents.

You know, maybe I don’t say this often enough. I know I don’t say this often enough. But, Goddamn, my craziness has to come from somewhere, does it not? I get the rage from my mother. But along with the rage is the intelligence to turn that anger into something productive. From my father, I get the confidence to do anything. Do you know that when I first got out of court being a “convicted criminal”, he actually laughed and said “You’re hardcore now. Already on your way to being a rock star. Just don’t tell people it’s for truancy, tell them it’s for fighting or something. Make it cool”. So, that’s what I’m doing. I’m taking all my anger and putting it into a fight against what is now the law. Being strong, being fierce. Because I don’t know what’s going to happen and it scares the hell out of me. Tomorrow I could be in prison or leading a revolt on your TV screens. Senses fail. So now we wait.

Usually when I feel like this, I can find a song to relate too. But tonight, the only artist I can say really inspires me is Nirvana. So, alas, this blog is dedicated to them and their song “Rape Me”. I feel raped. I feel like everyone has taken everything away from me 10x over and left me with nothing except the will to fight for it all. Whether I win the war is completely up to fate right now. God, I can only hope that somewhere up there, one of those billions of stars is praying for a victory. Praying for something, anything.

And so I leave you with this: Either stand up or sit down. If you’re in for the fight, then get up. If not, sit down for the ride. Don’t take the easy way out. If there is an afterlife, chances are it won’t set you free. We either battle now or take the wrath later. Choose your path and march on.

To the courts, I can only tell you to be prepared. You’re in a run for the money.

§Rainbows & Skeletons§

And I feel compelled to say this because I know there are stupid people out there. This is a mind game. Once you bring violence, you ruin the entire purpose. Use your brain. We fight this pen-in-hand; non-violence. You’re accountable for your own actions just as much as I am for mine. Live free, die hard. This is to die for, not to kill for. The end.

Haiti, Hobbits, Friends, Flyleaf, Coaches, Cups, and Stupid Science Olympiad.

Hey all. ‘Sup? I’m just here, being bored (as usual). 😀

I figured this lovely [insert day of the week here (I have no idea)] would be perfect for our lovely complaints, first starting off with none other than the second biggest news story, HAITI! And you’re probably all wondering “Second? What?”. Well, yes, second. And do you want to know why it’s second? It could only be one thing…that thing being? Tiger Woods going to sex rehab! Because what’s more important than Tiger Woods, right? Who doesn’t love a good round of golf? And even better, who doesn’t love a round of golf with a total douche who’s slept with 98% of the female race? Ah, yes.

So, back to Haiti. All the social networking sights (even Youtube! The Google fascists aren’t so bad after all!) are posting links to help. So, I should urge you all to do that. Because you all know how much I worship the internet, and if it’s not Disney-related or completely gey, I listen. 😀 So, yeah. Help a fellow Hansiain and drop some cash on their little island-village.

Moving on, have you noticed an increased rate of hobbits lately? It seems everywhere I look there’s a freakishly tall person and a little midget not far behind. Geez. First we have freakish island-quakes and now increased hobbitry? What has the world come to?

And third: I’m getting fixed over friends (No, you perv). I miss my friends that I left behind so much. I really hope they’re able to visit soon. :C But, really, I’m just aggravated with my friends now. Not aggravated, just sort of…sick of them? I don’t know. I just feel like we’re always talking about the same things, doing the same things, being the same. I just want to hang out with people who are semi-normal for a change. They’re suffocating me. But, it’s not like I want to just leave them completely and be by myself, I just want more of a variety I guess. All the people I hang out with are so alike. It’s like constantly being around the same person, yet they’re in a different body. It’s so annoying. Just stop being weird for 5 minutes! And get your own personalities! I’m tired of being around nut-cases who all think alike. It’s getting old, people.

But fourth, one of my favoritest things ever: FLYLEAF! 😀 They’re making a new video for “Missing”! Already 16 hours in, too! Well, probably more by now, that was just their last update on Facebook. Look at these awesome pictures:

(Pictures here).

Oh, how I love their fake mustaches! And Lacey’s dress is pwnful. Very wicked. James is hot, as always. ^_^ And of course Pat is just as hardcore (if not more) than he always is. All in all, it looks very cool. Sort of like a rock n’ roll Titanic meets Flyleaf. I can’t wait to see the whole thing! It should be up soon. Just be sure to look at Flyleaf Online, Flyleaf Music, and of course their Myspace. And it’s totally not too late (never too late) to join the street team! [Don’t join the fanclub (Passerby Army), it sucks].

Fifth Topic, yeah! (Sing it like the 12 days of Christmas, it sounds cool). xD Anywho, are fifth subject if my stupid ex-soccer coach. My friend, who’s still on the team, hasn’t even been allowed to play for more than 2 minutes in all 5 games! Not 2 minutes per game, 2 minutes in one game. The rest of the time she’s been sitting on the bench, practically begging the coach to let her go in. And what does the coach do? Oh, of course she ignores her and says “Varsity players don’t ask to play”. Well, what do your precious little varsity players do? Ride the bench? That’s real nice, completely. She goes to every practice, comes to every game, even has her parents go to every game, and still she’s not allowed to play! It’s so unfair. And when she asked why she wasn’t playing, the stupid douche told her it was because she’s a freshman. Yeah, that makes total sense. Because three other freshman are playing. Right. And since when has grade determined you soccer ability? God, I swear. That woman is so stupid. She deserves the epic fail of the year award.

And sixth: I hate sippy-cups. First, you have to find all the pieces. The cup, the lid, the rubber ring that goes in the top, and the other piece of rubber that goes in the two holes, so it doesn’t spill out of the other side. Then, you have to assemble them, You have to stick the little rubber ring in the lid, in it’s exact spot, because it you don’t, the cup leaks and gets on everything. Next, you have to put the lid on the cup, and god damn that little ring, because if it’s not perfectly situated, the lid won’t go on right, thus making leaking and spills inevitable. So you get the cup all ready, with the drink inside, and expect the kid to just be happy. Oh, no. They don’t want juice, they want milk. So you have to take everything apart, rinse it, put it all back together, and then give it back. And God forbid you happen to forget one piece of the puzzle and the damn thing tips over, because then you’re left with a huge Grape Juice stain on your new couch. Lovely. Screw you, Gerber.

And seventh and our final complaint: The stupid “Science Olympiad”. Oh, sweet Jesus, have mercy on my soul. This test was the biggest waste of time EVER. After doing at least 10 hours of work for this stupid “competition”, I walked around the school for another half-hour looking for my stupid teacher, who said she’d be there, and finally ran into another teacher who was giving the test, as well. So this new teacher tells us all to go to the lecture hall. We sit their for another half-hour or so, then he finally arrived with the actual test, and we all went inside. Well, I’m just sitting there, and he’s handing out everyone else’s test, but he doesn’t give me mine. So I tell ’em, and apparently, he just totally forgot about my unit completely. He goes to make copies of more tests, and I wait for another hour in the lecture hall. My brother finished his in 10 minutes and left to go be with his friends. I wait another half-hour and the teacher finally comes back. He gives everyone else, except my unit, a test, and leaves again. So, I’m waiting, waiting, waiting for at least another half-hour, and he finally gives me a test! So I start reading it, and realize that the test is so incredibly stupid, that I would have rather lit myself on fire and jumped out of a 10-story window than put my name on it. I had to identify 50 different “unknown” substances from stupid little clues like “Solid white powder”. Okay, great. Except that on my paper, you had the choice between Sugar, Salt, Flour, Baking Soda, and a whole bunch of other random white powders to choose from. So how is anyone supposed to know?! I guessed on all of them, and then moved on to the next section. This section was relatively easy, considering all you had to do was check off some people and choose which one matched the description (My unit was forensics). The only thing that bothered me about that was the names. Stupid crap like “Am I. Gilltie” Or “Robyn U. Blind”. God, teachers so fail at life. >.> So after I finish the stupid hour-long test, I turn it in and finally get to go home. Stupidest, most colossal waste of life, ever. 5 hours and most likely disappointing results to follow. Great.

Anyways, I gotta go do stuff. Woo-hoo for French homework. >.< Do you know that we pretty much get no time to ourselves each day? 24 hours in a day, 10 is spent sleeping (or if you're me, trying to kill your insomnia so you can sleep), 7 is spent at school. That's 17 hours of time that we have no control over. 7 hours left. Minus 2 hours for homework, that's 5. Take off another 2 for stupid after-school functions and you're left with a wopping 3 hours to yourself each day. Congrats.

Much love and hate.
§Rainbows & Skeletons§

PS.: Hinting at something exciting, one of my stalkers is moving tomorrow! Yes, oh, yes! I’m elated. I hope he gets hit by a car! 😀